Author Topic: Helpless, hopeless, clueless... :-(  (Read 2092 times)

Offline htleah

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I know there are so many posts like this, so my apologies to add another one. I am just in a state of despair and need someone to talk to. Someone to help. I have no one to turn to and I am embarrassed to mention it to anyone. Here is my quick story:

I am 31 years old and in fairly good shape (5'10, 150 lbs). I'm not athletic, but I do some minor home cardio (in cycles). I watch what I eat religiously (major health food geek). I developed man boobs in my teens when I gained a lot of weight, something that became even worse as I entered puberty. I was pretty overweight and remember in the 6th grade being made fun of for having "bitch breasts." Finally, at the age of 25, I decided to take my health in my hands and lost 70lbs. I was rail thin at 140lbs, and had almost no fat on my body. Yet I still had "man boobs." They weren't major, but they were there. Now 6 years later and I've gained a bit of weight, but the man boobs are still there. Sometimes I bounce around to 160lbs and it seems that 10lbs in either direction really helps/hurts, but no matter what the "boobs" remain...

I don't have to tell you how much this condition hurts me. It's demoralizing, devastating and always keeping me from having full confidence with women. I can't take my shirt off in front of anyone and in the bedroom I have to either turn the lights low, get under the covers, or keep my shirt on. I feel like less of a man and it kills me.

The problem I also have is that all the research I've done on google leads to me to so many different paths that I don't know where to start. For some reason I have never posted on a forum like this before, so if someone can answer the following questions it would be such a huge step in helping me get my life back!!!

1) Do I really have gynecomastia?
2) Is it really possible to cure "man boobs" or gynecomastia with pills, supplements and/or exercise?
3) What doctor do I see to consult with?

Guys, please help. I'm at the end of my rope. I feel like another deep depression is coming and there are so many things wrong in my life right now. If I can cure this problem it would probably save me (as stupid and crazy as that sounds, it is true).

If you read this, thank you so much. And to those who respond... you don't know how much it means to me!!!!!

Offline nipsofpeace

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1) Do I really have gynecomastia?
2) Is it really possible to cure "man boobs" or gynecomastia with pills, supplements and/or exercise?
3) What doctor do I see to consult with?

1) It sounds like it. Post a picture of your chest.
2) It is not possible to cure pubertal gyno with pills, supps, or exercise. The only cure is surgery.
3) You need to see a cosmetic surgeon, but go to your regular doctor first.

What state do you live in? It's going to cost between $4-6k to get it fixed.


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The last poster is correct, in the fact that surgery is the only way to get rid of the gynecomastia. However I should like to add that what is on your chest does not make any more or less of a man! It is who you are in your heart and mind, your person hood that makes you, you! Those bumps on your chest are made up of fat, breast tissue and skin and that doesn't define a person!

I've had breast all my life to and served 11 years in the military with breast, fathered 5 and have 3 grand children, and I'm still married to the best gal I've ever known for 27 years. At 56 I need a 46H, bra but I got that big due to a host of health issues, but I'm still a man!

Get your surgery, but don't ever think less of yourself because of a couple bumps on your chest. 60% of the male population will have them at some point in their life.


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