Author Topic: hey...  (Read 3605 times)

Offline Mind_Eroded

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Finding this website finally gave me the courage to face this problem. Im 18, about 5'8 180lbs. being a chubby kid growing up, ive always had extra fat on my chest. I started getting self conscious going into my early teens and i always felt like crap about the problem. about a year and a half ago, i signed up to the gym by my house, eager to once and for all get rid of the fat(or so i thought) well a year and a half later i have really bulked up in muscle from going to the gym and bench pressing but still noticed the fat had all shifted down to the bottom of my chest. I can wear tight shits and it will still look good but i cringe when i get up in the morning and look in the mirror. i tried confronting my dad about about the gyn(i think) and he just kinda laughed at me and told me i was being ridiculous. I live in NYC and im sure there are plenty of good physicans around who can take care of this and i want to do it as soon as possible. it will be a big factor in rasing my self esteem, which is by no means low but definatly hindered due to this embarrasment. on the other hand,I wouldent wanna make my parents spend a few 1000 dollars on an operation for something they deem unessesary. Im trying to think of what to do. I think this condition has lead me to do compulsive things like doing numerous sets of push ups at random times of the day, where i feel like i HAVE TO do it but i know in reality it will not make the fat go away. Its kinda weird but its good to have a website like this where i can share my experience and read others who have faced similar stuff.

Offline jc71

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now that you've found this site, you can share it with your dad.  Does he have it too? Don't know if you asked a question (it's getting late). Certainly some good docs there.  keep up the positive attitude. :)


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Pec exercises will probably make them stand out more as the underlying muscle gets larger.


Offline jc71

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I agree bodybuilder. don't fear your chest will look worse.  for me, that whole ideology of exercise making it look worse is flawed. Lift lighter weights, do higher reps, and the underlying muscle that everyone's so affraid of growing and pushing out their gyne will actually take better shape.  Don't lift heavy for 6 reps, select a comfortable weight for 15-18 reps. I know, I know, everyone's individual anatomy and physiology is different, but that's just my 5 cents.  Again, I know everyone's different. You want to be in your best shape if you go the surgery route anyway. May as well deal with it short term for better long term success.

You know what's ironic? When you ask a group of women why they don't lift weights, the #1 reason you will hear is that they don't want to loose their boobs.  ???
« Last Edit: March 03, 2005, 04:58:19 AM by jc71 »


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"You know what's ironic? When you ask a group of women why they don't lift weights, the #1 reason you will hear is that they don't want to loose their boobs. "

I think the reason is that they see pictures of pro female weight lifters & they have almost no body fat left.  Many of them also take testosterone to gain the high muscle definition.

So they have smaller boobs.  The boobs they do have are just mammary glands & little if any fat.  Most women would not lose that much fat under normal weight lifting.


Offline Mind_Eroded

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I agree with the has definatly helped me shape my chest. The fat makes my chest look bulkier actually since it is not pointy. I just hate the "jiggle" which is the thing thats embarrasing to me. My other question is would people here recommend more inclined bench pressing than the flat, laying down type?

Offline jc71

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I'd not only recommend incline presses but I'd do exclusively incline presses.  If your gyne is like mine and you have fat in the lower part of your chest, the incline press will help balance it out a bit.  Won't help a ton, but should help a little.  :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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We seem to have strayed a bit from your initial question.

You don't tell your dad's age, nor do you mention if he has Gynecomastia also.

I would guess that you were born shortly berfore effective surgery to reduce / remove men's breasts became widely available.

Back then, a young man would either have to ignore the teasers or beat them soundly enough that they found someone else to tease.

Your father's attitude could reflect experiences in his life or those of his friends.  

Mothers are usually more perceptive to "feelings" than Fathers.  Perhaps you started out talking to the wrong parent.

Good luck!

Grandpa Dan

Offline Paa_Paw

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We seem to have strayed a bit from your initial question.

You don't tell your dad's age, nor do you mention if he has Gynecomastia also.

I would guess that you were born shortly berfore effective surgery to reduce / remove men's breasts became widely available.

Back then, a young man would either have to ignore the teasers or beat them soundly enough that they found someone else to tease.

Your father's attitude could reflect experiences in his life or those of his friends.  

Mothers are usually more perceptive to "feelings" than Fathers.  Perhaps you started out talking to the wrong parent.

Good luck!

Offline Mind_Eroded

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my dad is 57 and hes still in pretty good shape. I have has body type..we are both pretty masculine and wide. When he was young he didnt have gyn but it he has developed alitle fat in his chest which i think is mostly due to aging.  Thats why i think he wouldent understand. my problem. Hes always sayin my chest is built good cause i do go to the gym regularly but i think i just shaped the fat so it looks better, but its still there., for example if i raise my arm and slump over i can fully grab the fat. Thats what bothers me most.

Offline zen

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I started to pushups cause of my gyne too!that was 10 years ago.Now i do them by the puffy breasts are still there ,although my chest is very muscular.


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