Author Topic: hmm, could I have klines?  (Read 1666 times)

Offline The_Curious_1

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I was reading that they thought someone else on here had kilines so I went to read up on it.  I have pics of my body in the pics area wondering if I have gyne or if it's just fat or something else.  from the list on the site, here are my other symptoms

may not be particularly athletic or co-ordinated
-affimative, I love sports, but I'm horrible at nearly all of them.

There may be a decreased growth of facial and other body hair.
-I'm in my early 20s and only have facial hair around my mouth (next to none on my cheeks) and very little chest hair

male will have long legs
=definitely not

Increased risk for speech and language problems
-I slur my speech a lot and talk really fast

Preference for quiet games

-yep, but I've been working on that

Frequently shy

Hand tremors
-Only had it once or twice, but it may have been due to medication

Frustration based outbursts
-I don't thinkso, but my parents would argue

Difficulties in concentrating

Restless sleep patterns
-used to have insomnia

Lower level of activity
-not a problem here, I do a lot of stuff, but I fatigue really easily

Difficult to awaken in the mornings

Lower degree of self esteem

A form of dyslexia
-not that I know of

To some degree, enuchoidal stature,,,,arm span is usually 2 inches longer than height.

-Mines about 4 inches longer, but it could be do to the fact that I have shorter legs too.

Without HRT, a better opportunity to develop cardio-vascular arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
-no, but I've had Hyperetnsion

The inability to maintain long term friends
-I've got about 2, generally keep to myself

Attention Deficit Disorder (to some degree)
-was suppposed to get tested for this, but the doctor I saw was an idiot and ignored 9 of the 10 things I went in for

Rounded shoulders and rounded hips
-shoulders definitely. As for the hips, I'm not sure what that looks like, but mine are a little bit wider than most guys

Life-long soft skin
-not sure, I've had skin problems so I don't know if I'd qualify here

Little muscle strength,,,,lack of upper body strength.
-for the amount that I lift  I have very little strength, and if I stop lifting  I lose it quickly (I hurt my shoulder and was aout for two months, my bench max after 3 months of lifting again is 70 lbs lower than before)

Risk of autoimmune disorders such as: type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroiditis, and/or lupus erythematosus.
-not that I know of, but I do have some wierd unnamed condition similar to diabetes that has know known origin and that my doctors have given up on

and I didn't see it on the site, but somebody mentioned size of your 'thingy' and I saw testosterone problems listed
-I was born with undecended testicles, one of which is about half the size of the other and my  'thingy' is somewhat small (nothing too bad though) for an adult and that is the area where I'm having most of my problems too.  I don't think I have any current hormone issues though cuz I saw my endocrinologist for the condition mentioned above and he ran all kinds of tests which came in normal, he actually made a remark that I'm probably the healthiest person he's seen in his career.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 01:26:54 PM by The_Curious_1 »

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think you may have answered your own question.

The levels of hormones would be all screwed up.  No where near normal.

I was not yet shaving regularly until almost 30 yrs old.  Chest measured only 38" when I was about 35,  Voice changed twice,  in teens and again in my 30's.  Resulting voice is still a rather high tenor.  

I'm now a 68 year old grandpa and though I weigh just over 180 lbs at 5' 10" my waist is under 36"  I have a 43 inch chest.  (48 inches if measured over the nipples)

There is no doubt that my hormones were a mess when I was younger, but they are OK now.  When I was younger, there was not nearly as much that could be done about those problems.

Rejoyce that you live in such an enlightened age.
Grandpa Dan


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