Author Topic: Hormone help.  (Read 2835 times)

Offline rcbrown23

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OK, my testosterone levels are on the low end of "normal". My estrogen levels are on the high end of "normal". It worries me a little.

Is there anything that I can do, personally, to help the levels a bit. I was thinking like: A daily vitamin; excersize more; stop smoking; anti-estrogen, anything?

« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 07:23:01 AM by rcbrown23 »

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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   6oxo my friend that works wonders. Also, you can stack that with zma.
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Offline hypo

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You can talk to your doctor and ask his opinion about the following.

Zinc- a natural anti aromatase.  It helps prevent the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.  If you are going to supplement your diet with zinc use zinc with copper as this prevents a copper imbalance.

DIM (diindolylmethane) with Indolplex.  A natural anti estrogen that allows the liver to metobolize estrogens in the liver and so lowers actual the blood level of estradiol level.

Print this out and give it to your doctor'what%20does%20dim%20indolplex%20do?'

I would recomend DIM with Indolplex as it transports the natural ingredients into the body well.

Ask your doctor get his advice and decide from there.

Get pathology after using zinc and DIM and see how much your estradiol level has been lowered.

This in turn should increase your natural testosterone level slightly in a healthy natural way.

I hope that helps.


Did you show the mail to the endo- if so what was the reaction?

What has happened/changed generally, for instance your endo was looking at your adrenal function- anything happend on that?

You can PM me if you wish.

Offline rcbrown23

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What do you think of the supplements that "I-Hate" suggested, Hypo??
I am looking for a healthy, natural way to do this.

I did give the letter to my doctor, but have not seen him yet to see what he has to say about it. He gave me a prescription for "dexamethasone", but from what I have read, once you start taking it, your body stops producing the hormone, so you have to stay on it.

I really think that if I can cut back the alcohol, start excersizing again, and try some daily vitamins/supplements, I shouldn't have a problem with re-growth. I'd rather do it in a natural way, than have to take prescription meds for the rest of my life.

Thanks for the replies.


Offline hypo

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My knowledge on adrenal hormone replacement is limited so you need to ask your endocrinologist as to the nature of its use.

I do not think you should use that 6oxo supplement at all.

It is a compound of differing ingredients and has not passed any safety trials or proven its worth in this area to my knowledge.  

I cannot recall the ingredients of the top of my head, but I have looked into it before so recall that it was not something that was great (if someone disagrees I guess I’d be forced to go and get the information again to support this position).

Zinc and DIM are in my opinion the best two natural supplements that you could take to help lower estradiol and both of them should be readily accepted by your doctor/endocrinologist.

They may be able to advice you further on these supplements.


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