Author Topic: How to hide manboobs my experience  (Read 4466 times)

Offline HaroldBooth

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One thing a lot of people fail to realize is that any bodily feature is only a problem when we notice it in a negative light.  I only started worrying about my Gynecomastia when a friend mentioned it.  I was around 20 at the time and was and still am quite a normal build.  It's probably akin to someone saying you have a big nose, every time you look in the mirror it's the first thing you notice.  Unlike a nose, you can see your chest without a reflection and probably from the most unflattering angle.

I have always been scared of the surgery route and took to covering up. The array of tricks obtained from forums youtube mens magazines etc is vast.

Firstly there's the extra layers approach which involves wearing t-shirts in enough layers under clothes. Then there's the compression type garments which bandage the chest to sueeze the issue out of view. Also, strategic dressing which involves wearing things like cardigans and light jackets which when open can drape more flatteringly over half of each breast.

My current weapon of choice is the padded undershirt from Funkybod which allows me to dress normally.

I think that women have it easy in this department as they are more open with their imperfections. Had it not been for the internet I would never have known how many people have the same issues.

If anyone knows any other non-compression methods I'd be interested to collate them.  The compression types probably didn't work for me because I am not that big, just excess fatty chest tissue.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Compression garments of some type are the best answer to provide a better contour without surgery. Wearing large, baggy clothing is really not a good answer. I have had some patients who wrapped themselves with Ace bandages every day -- this is clumsy and cumbersome.  And others have actually used tape on a daily basis -- which eventually irritated the skin to the point where there was excess pigmentation (resembling horizontal brown stripes) on the skin.

Dr Jacobs
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 06:21:44 AM by Dr. Elliot Jacobs »
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Paa_Paw

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We hear from guys who go about stooping or slouching. All this accomplishes is to make a man look sloppy or lazy. It hides nothing.

Instead of a lot of padding, I have found that loose fitting buttoned up shirts work best. Woven fabrics are better than knits. Saturated colors are better than light. Patterns are better than solids.

I especially like medium to dark blues, Burgundy, etc. in solids and plaids in all colors.

Wearing excessively heavy fabrics or too many layers to be apropos in hot weather simply makes you look like you are hiding something. In short, the wrong clothing can be a give away.

A favorite of mine is the Guayabera Shirt. Even though they are solid colors, they have a vertical pattern and are loose fitting without being sloppy.
Grandpa Dan

Offline McGilli

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My weapon of choice was crossing my arms in front of my chest. ugh.

Anytime I was sitting or standing in a group of people.

Or arms over and behind my head - like I was resting.

Have to admit I'm 40 - and I never knew about compression garments until 6 months ago.


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With me being to big to hid them no matter what I did, and to many other health problems to over shadow gynecomastia I learn to ignor them most of the time. There were times that they were up front and personal (usually when I felt good) and my wife would ask me why I brought them up again as I haven't talked about "the boobs" for a long time.

My point is, no matter how big they are or how small that they are in reality, we can learn to focus on other things! Hopefully better things and not bad health or something negative!

The facts are, we are our worse critic when it come to our chest! People are not noticing the chest as much as we think that they are.

Offline McGilli

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The facts are, we are our worse critic when it come to our chest! People are not noticing the chest as much as we think that they are.

It's so true. But it's s hard to not believe everyone is judging you by your perceived flaws. Like someone who thinks their nose is too big will assume everyone is judging them and making fun of their nose.



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Alchemists always talks about the nudist camp or club being a good place to ease yourself of your self conference of your body flaws! I can see why that would be very helpful, because no one is perfect! Under their cloths hid so many imperfections that it puts everyone on even ground.

People with a large nose or deformed nose will stick out much further then a guy with size C breast with a loose shirt on, and most new posters don't even come close to a "B". That being said the guy with the big or deformed nose should not have to hid his nose any more then a man with large breast need to hid them.

We as humans need to realize that the only perfect one gave is life on the cross for us and we all need to be accepting of each others flaws. Be it big breast, big nose, fat, thin, short, tall or what we think is ugly!


Offline Paa_Paw

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My sweetheart was born with a large tumor that completely covered her right eye and much of the right side of her face. The tumor finally yielded to many surgeries and radiation treatments which left a network of scars. I know all this, yet I do not notice the scars at all. We are now in our seventies, but to my eyes she is still the young and pretty bride I married.

For her part, she seems not to notice my rather glaring faults either.

In the final analysis, I am really a very fortunate man.

Aint love Grand?


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My sweetheart was born with a large tumor that completely covered her right eye and much of the right side of her face. The tumor finally yielded to many surgeries and radiation treatments which left a network of scars. I know all this, yet I do not notice the scars at all. We are now in our seventies, but to my eyes she is still the young and pretty bride I married.

For her part, she seems not to notice my rather glaring faults either.

In the final analysis, I am really a very fortunate man.

Aint love Grand?

Amen brother!

Offline HaroldBooth

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There are some really heart-warming views posted here. I think the psychological angle probably does need to be acknowledged more.  Something is only a problem when you worry about it but the not worrying is extremely hard for many people.

Offline Rob 34a

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Alchemists always talks about the nudist camp or club being a good place to ease yourself of your self conference of your body flaws! I can see why that would be very helpful, because no one is perfect! Under their cloths hid so many imperfections that it puts everyone on even ground.

People with a large nose or deformed nose will stick out much further then a guy with size C breast with a loose shirt on, and most new posters don't even come close to a "B". That being said the guy with the big or deformed nose should not have to hid his nose any more then a man with large breast need to hid them.

We as humans need to realize that the only perfect one gave is life on the cross for us and we all need to be accepting of each others flaws. Be it big breast, big nose, fat, thin, short, tall or what we think is ugly!


so the thing we need to fix is what is between our ears. with my small frame I would not be to worried about it unless i C or bigger. at what point something becomes a problem can very from person to person and depend on at what point they draw the line baring other factures


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Rob34a, if you read all my post you will see that I support surgery! I would however would love to see a world that OTHER people would not judge each other just by there looks or the flaws or improfections or I should say what society has made what MOST people would consider improfections!

I have DD breast and I'm ok with that, if someone doesn't want to live with puffy nipple, by all means go see a surgeon! My beef is with others judging people just by there looks!

The only person that was ever perfect hug on a cross for me and died for my sins, that was Jesus Christ. No one can or will be perfect nor should they expect to be, it is impossible but that being said, we should be able to accept them as they are!


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