Author Topic: How i hide my Gynecomastia perfectly  (Read 8293 times)

Offline GynecomastiaGuy123

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Im new here and just wanted to share my method with others couse i know how hard it is to live with man boobs.

Its called :  Kinesio Tape and you can get it online somewhere.

You can stretch them pretty well and they dont go off with water so even if you do Sports or take a shower they dont get off :)

i used them for like  1 year now  and my self confidence really increased.

Tell me what you think about this.

Offline McGilli

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I have no experience with this tape. But I remember seeing it for the first time at the Summer Olympics. I couldn't figure out what it was for.

I know people though whose arms have a tendency to pop out of the joints if they get hit the wrong way in hockey - and they use this tape to keep their arms in.

Curious to see if anyone else has used it for their chest as you say....

Offline Paa_Paw

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While I am unfamiliar with this product, and it is possible that they found a way to avoid the problems with the older tapes; I cannot figure out how a person would hide those loud colors under their clothes.

Older kinds of surgical tapes had one of two problems. Some did not adhere all that well so they were ineffective and others stuck so well that they could actually tear the skin when used for an extended amount of time. I would be concerned if this tape has a strong adhesive.
Grandpa Dan

Offline McGilli

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Ok - question for the OP.

You said you've used them for a year. So I am wondering - do you have to re-tape every day?

Or since it is shower proof etc do you just leave the tape on for days, or a week?

I know they sell it at pharmacies where I live. They have it in the first aid aisle.

Offline GynecomastiaGuy123

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Well i only use the natural colors so if u wear a white tanktop under your shirt like in my case its undetectable.

They stick pretty good, if you cut the corners that the start and the end is round they will stick longer than if you just cut them like squares...  Sometimes one role lasts for alm3-4 month for me.

They really helped me alot when i didnt work and didnt have much money im 17 now and have my man boobs since 5-6 years  i wish i would have knew them earlier...


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