Author Topic: I'd like to talk about hormones.  (Read 2763 times)

Offline zeramis

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Ok, so i hit puberty at about 11 and developed gyne around the same time.
I had a gyno op at 19, and i am happier with my chest, but there is still a fair amount of breastage.
Anyway, i am now 20 years old and i find myself noticing i look 15, sound 14, have rather smallish balls (4cmish long), and i'm wondering "am i hormonally imbalanced?".
Personally i think its pretty obvious that i am, and i find it rather amusing that i wasn't tested for such things when i had my op on the NHS.
I have been to the doctor recently and had a test done, i phoned in regarding the results to which i was presented with a "everything came back normal". Spiffing, i thought, but then 10 seconds later i realized this is probably a load of poop, i was looking at the mirror and seeing a thin guy holding tonnes of fat around his hips and ass, babyface, the remainder of my gyne, and two thumbs down for effect.

I have booked another appointment to my GP, what i hope to achieved here is:

A. Get the actual numbers from said hormonal test so i can see if i am maybe laying around on the extremities of normal.

B. Maybe get referred to an endo who specializes in sex hormones.

To be honest i'm at the end of my plank, i am so frustrated, i know i'm not the person i am supposed to be, i'm a 20 year old man and i feel like im trapped in the body of a kid. I have put a lot of research into the area and figure it could be a few things.
I know it's a dumb fucking idea but i was seriously considering some powerful self medication in the form of powerful aromatase inhibitors, although i have decided to put that scheme on pause.
I just have a feeling i'm not going to get any help from the NHS, yet i know i am not well, along wiht my visual and .
Question, say i did increase my free testosterone, and keeping in mind i am 20 years of age, and in my opinion slightly underdeveloped for my age, would i experience maybe some kind of delayed puberty effect where my transition into a man (deeper voice, stronger jawline) begins to manifest itself physically as well as mentally?  ::)

Or will i never be content?  :-\

I know this wasn't a post about gyne as such, and i'm sorry about that, i just really wanted to get this off my... mind.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 04:07:35 PM by zeramis »

Offline Paa_Paw

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For some, puberty was prolonged or even late. It happened to me.

It is a treatable condition, but you should be cautioned not to tamper on your own. The various hormones do not play solo parts, their effects are more like a concert than a solo. To complicate things, the hormone levels vary somewhat over time. The values are less significant in themselves than how they relate to each other.

As I said before, this is not a safe area for self treatment. There is a very slim chance that you could improve things and a very great chance that you could make things a lot worse.

You'll have to trust your Dr.

Be Patient.
Grandpa Dan

Offline moobius

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you can certainly get a copy of your test results. just tell the doc's office that you want a copy of the results... remember, it was you and your insurance that paid for them.   it's quite possible that all your levels are within "normal" parameters, but that doesn't mean that there isn't somehting totatlly jacked that the doc is just over looking...  no one is going to be more concerned with your health that YOU. i NEVER take a doc's opinion as gospel... for me it is always a JOINT effort in diagnosing any issues I have and finding a satisfactory course of action.  some docs this annoys the crap out of, the good docs i have found at least understand my concerns and entertain me through this process.  there are certainly docs out there who will actually analyze the numbers rather than just see if they fall within "normal" parameters.

what type of insurance do you have? its possible you dont' even need a referal to see an endo.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 11:56:33 PM by moobius »

Offline zeramis

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you can certainly get a copy of your test results. just tell the doc's office that you want a copy of the results... remember, it was you and your insurance that paid for them.   it's quite possible that all your levels are within "normal" parameters, but that doesn't mean that there isn't somehting totatlly jacked that the doc is just over looking...  no one is going to be more concerned with your health that YOU. i NEVER take a doc's opinion as gospel... for me it is always a JOINT effort in diagnosing any issues I have and finding a satisfactory course of action.  some docs this annoys the crap out of, the good docs i have found at least understand my concerns and entertain me through this process.  there are certainly docs out there who will actually analyze the numbers rather than just see if they fall within "normal" parameters.

what type of insurance do you have? its possible you dont' even need a referal to see an endo.

I agree with what you are saying, my GP however has always been very understanding and helpful and i'm sure he will do his part in helping me get to the bottom of this.
In response to your question; i live in the UK and thusly receive free health care, but we need to use GPs as a kind of referral system to get the ball rollin'.

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you are not fully satisfied with what you are hearing from your Dr. It is probably time to consult an Endocrinologist. Within this specialty, there are sub specialties as well. You want one who specializes in developmental problems in puberty or in reproductive issues.

Good Luck!


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