Author Topic: I'm new to the site  (Read 3221 times)

Offline yanks45

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I'm new here, but I have had gynecomastia since I was 14 or 15.  I am now 20.  Let me give you a quick run down of my story.  When I was about 4, I was diagnosed with a blood disorder which had several different types of treatments.  Some of them being steroids.  I took prednisone while I was younger...from the age of 4 to maybe 6.  That did not work.  I was always a skinny kid, however when I was about 10, they decided to put me on a new treatment steroid called decadron (dexamethasone).  I gained a massive amount of wait, and it slowed down my metabolism.  I wouldn't consider myself obese, but I am overweight.  I'm 5' 10" and weigh 190lbs.  Anyways, I have gynecomastia now, but I don't know if it's from puberty and hasn't gone away, or if it's from the steroids.  At this point, surgery is not an option because of the cost, but I wanted to find out of anyone has ever tried Raloxifene or Tamoxifene.  I'm sorry if I spelt it wrong.  But has anyone tried it?  Which one is better?  Which one has less side effects? Do they actually work? Fill me in on some info.  Thanks guys.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome aboard.

With your medical history, you should not use anything without first consulting your Doctor.

While the topical preparations you mention have a small number of claimed success stories, I think they have a relatively low rate of success. I know of none that are both safe and successful, especially in the case of a person who is self medicating.

It is of little importance whether your Gynecomastia was a symptom of your earlier condition, a reaction to some of the medications you were taking, or puberty. The result is the same.  

Your best course of action would be to see an Endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive issues. you will need to give this Doctor a medical history which is as complete and accurate as possible.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline yanks45

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After looking at the site a little bit more, it seems like nobody here really even considers these medications.  Surgery seems to be the option for everyone.  Nobody has ever used Raloxifene or Tamoxifen?  Has anyone ever had it mentioned to them by an endocrinologist?  I'm trying to gather some more information so I can ask the endocrinologist some questions.

Offline abaz

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i dont think theres much you can ask him, except to test your levels and to see what he says.

Offline nowchase

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YOU SHOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER start taking any drugs without going to a doctor first!  I WARNING YOU RIGHT NOW!  I WISH I SOMEONE WHO WARNED ME BACK THEN!
Free Documentary "Me vs. My Breast"

Offline Paa_Paw

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Actually, Surgery is not the only option. It does seem to be what is most often desired by the people who visit these pages though.

Alot of young men are convinced that they are somehow freakish. Here they learn that Gynecomastia is so common that many consider it to be statistically "Normal". Not surprising, there are some who are so relieved to learn this that they simply get on with their lives.

There are some who are not good surgical candidates or who have religeous or other reasons for not seeking surgery. They come here for advice on how to conceal, or cope with, their condition.

The condition is thought by some to be a new thing or something that is on the increase.  That presumption is not true. Most of our Medical Terminology comes from Latin, but the term Gynecomastia pre-dates that and its roots are in ancient Greek. The condition is clearly shown in the artwork of ancient Egypt.  

The surgery which is now so common, has only been available for about 20 years.  Which was a few decades too late for me to care about it.  I've had the condition since about the age of 12--- I'm now 68 years old.

Offline yanks45

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First off, everyone can rest easy as I will not try any medications without consulting a doctor first.  I don't need people yelling at me, since you need a prescription to get those types of medication anyways.  SO STOP YELLING AT ME!!  LOL just kidding.  Second, my gynecomastia seems to fit into they puffy nipple category.  Anyone have any stories on how the medications might help me?


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