Author Topic: im really depressed about this......  (Read 2848 times)

Offline tazzisdaman

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hey guy's i don't know if i told you all before but i had the surgery belive it or not the day of the terriost attacks. Ever since then they looked awesome,but about maybe 2 months ago they seriously look like there coming back! my nipples are really sticking out, now this pisses me the darn off that i had to endure 15 years of tourment and name calling, lets not forget about the damn pain i went threw to get this done. Ya know i can honestly say that this has deff fucked up my life, i rember back in the 6th grade and moving to a new school, i had very few friends and would get teased all the time about my condition. this went on until summer of 2001. once i got the surgery i felt awesome about myself and was much more social. But now its like there coming back on me, and i can't deal with this shit no more! It's bad enough from being a skinny boy when i  was little, to being so sick from kidney and asthma problems that i gained a hell of alot of weight. which caused stretch marks on my body.  >:( i lost the weight and still strugling to keep it off. but this is fuckin bullshit, i seriously think god hates me or someone put a curse on me for petes sake. Im 16 and im afraid to get into relationships because of my situation....... i dunno why i am writing this to you guys,but maybe you can help me out. Thanks.

Offline NJ

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Mate, get yourself to a endocrinologist and get some hormone tests.
There is a drug out there called tamoxifen and another called Evita ( I think ), which can be used in the treatment of hormone-induce gynaecomastia. The drug tamoxifen is actually mainly used as part of the chemotherapy regime of people ( mainly women ) with breast cancer, as it inhibits the effect that oestrogen has on the cancerous cells.
The endocrinologist I saw has been able to use this drug in treatments of some types of gynaecomastia.
I'm not sure if this will work for you, but check it out with your GP anyway.
Hope it helps.
All the best

Offline Paa_Paw

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I went back and read through the old postings to find this entry from 2002.

There are several issues which are illustrated which I think will be of help to some of todays readers.

First of all the surgery was done on a teenager. His re-growth was occurring at the age of 16. Generally, surgery is not recommended until a person has physically matured. (No matter how mature they are mentally or emotionally.)

Second is the issue of hormones. Did this surgery take place before the hormones had stabilized? Or, is there an underlying problem that causes the hormones to be unbalanced?

I truly feel sorry for this lad or any other in similar straits.

The follow-up advice to see an Endocrinologist is good but the endocrinologist should have been seen and a complete hormonal work-up done before the first surgical consultation.

FYI I did not have to search for hours to find this, in fact I needed to read only about two pages of postings. some things do not change.
Grandpa Dan


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