Author Topic: insults  (Read 3138 times)

Offline nycteen

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I'm trying to build up my self esteem. Like everytime I get it up like I make new friends and talk to some girls but always someone makes an asssholish comment about my man boobs. Is they're anything I can say back to them because I dont say anything and I just walk away like a beaten dog. I wish they're was something I could come back with to keep myself esteem. I've started working out but im not really strong I'd like to work out eve if I still have man boobs even if they do get pushed out farther id be a lot stronger and if someone did say soemthign Ic an back it up. Plus you will have more of yourself to be confident about. yeah I strayed a little off topic... sorry

Offline Allan7865

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Until surgery becomes an option to you.. how about you just try to mask or hide your Gyne. May I suggest you try out some sort of undergarment. This way even if your in a T-shirt noone will be the wiser of your condition.

Read up on this

Offline nycteen

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Do these things work? Im 15 and I dont have a credit card and I wont ask my parents because they will want to know what I am buying. Im not sure I always want to cover it up. Like tommorow I plan on doing a un shirted activity with one of my good female friends. I mean I'll do it I feel pretty uncomfortable but eh what can I do. To cover it up all the time and what if I uhh.... get some and I take off my shirt and vest and she will be like woah where the darn did those come in. Not talking about my good female friend but a future sex partner.

Offline Allan7865

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The first step to resolving your problem is speaking with your parents.

Offline nycteen

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I'm 15. What's wrong with me talking about my sexual future I mean I'm not oblivious and hope to have a sexual life one day. Me and my pretty close friend kinda came close I decided no and we never spoke of it again.. so it definatly could happen.

Offline l0410z

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I have a 17 and 14 year old son.  There is nothing in the world I would not do for either one.   Starting from going to a specialist,  garments that would help, a surgeon if that was an option,, to listening so he can know that he is not alone.  

From a parents point of view please speak with them.  They could be yoiur biggest fan.   Good luck

Offline Paa_Paw

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I would second the wise advice above to talk to your parents.  If you have a close relationship with a grandparent, perhaps that may be easier.

As long as you keep silent, you suffer alone. Allow your family to help with the burden, it becomes lighter that way.

It could be helpful to know that about 2/3 of all young men have at least some breast enlargement while in puberty.  The guys who are totally flat chested are the least normal.

I started to tease the guys who were flat chested because of their lack......  If you do not make a good victim, the teasing will slow down even if it does not stop. Your real friends would not tease you about something that you have no control over. This may help you to weed out the phoneys from the real friends.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline nycteen

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.and if you let someone know that their comment got to you and you back away, they probably won't respect you as much.
     yeah uhmm I don't know how to quote but how would I go about having their respect but not attacking them verbally. I hate to do that and I dont think ims trong enough to back it up at all.

Offline Allan7865

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Theres no point in looking to pick a fight, that certainly wont help you when your older.

I guess I can consider myself fortunate, noone made fun of my Gyne when I was 15 and I'm 17 now. But it just seems to me its time to start acting like adults, if you hang out with people who make fun of you for having a condition you cant change, maybe its time you just found new people.

Sure I agree, it would be nice to punch some people straight in the nose. When you think about all the things, do you really want to get arrested for assault!?

In the mean time I just suggest you just try to hide it the best you can if you are selfconcious about it(which I'm sure we all are).

-Talk to your parents
-Find a way to hide your Gyne

Good Luck!

Offline Allan7865

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I would also like to add onto that.

Insults come alot easier in groups.

If you are just hang out with one friend at a time they tend to be alot nicer. Mainly due to the fact that whats the point of insulting someone if noones there to give you a high five about it.

If your having trouble with a big group of friends, maybe just try to hang out with them one at a time?

Offline nycteen

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It's not a group of friends it's just people I have class with. My friend does point it out but not in a negative way like he'd want to help me to lose them he doesnt make fun of me or anything about them. Yeah I dump all of my not a nice person friends so I only have a few 'good apples' but I'm content.

Offline boomheadshot

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I suffer from a mild case of gyno myself, it's not a lot but enough to get made fun of for. If you're looking to hide your gyno wear a tight undershirt, trust me it works. I'd recommend either one of those compression garments or a really tight t-shirt which is what i usually do. Another thing is to wear dark colored shirts or shirts with logos across the chest. Now I know you're worried about pushing your gyno out further but I lift weights frequently and am well built but I still have gyno, in my opinion lifting weights and making the rest of your body fit and defined helps to supercede the gyno.

And the teasing thing, trust me, you're not alone as you already know. I'm 5'7 147 lbs and I'm not fat at all but I have puffy nipples and it sucks. Man boobs, b!tch breasts, titties, cleavage, yeah i've been called it all. Another thing I would recommend is if you're looking into getting stronger without gaining too much muscle to push your gyno out is wrestling. I did wrestling earlier this year for my school and it was sweet. Not only did I get to kick the crud out of people but I gained more defintion since I burned more calories than I could count from it. Wrestling will help you get mentally and physically tougher, believe me. And on top of that you'll lose lots weight because it is an intense sport. It will also build up your confidence a lot because wrestling teaches how to fight, not that I'm condoning fighting kids who pick on you, but 90% of all fights do end up on the ground. It will teach you your own limits and help you to grow as a person.

If anyone wants to chat my AIM screename is

puddin b0y
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 04:40:15 PM by boomheadshot »


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