Author Topic: Life after surgery......  (Read 3414 times)

Offline newman1975

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I am 30, not overweight, kept fit at the gym but had a serious gynocomastial condition. Nothing I could do would get rid of it, despite endless amounts of time on the bench press at the gym.

Well, after 15 years of wearing baggy shirts, many layers, avoiding pools/beaches etc ,  I decided to do something about it.

I saw my doctor who referred me to a specialist PS.

A few months later I had the op. The op was under a general anesathetic and I had chest drains for 48 hours. There was little pain, just some uncomfort. 3 weeks on now  I still wear the chest compress but there is little pain and the results are...amazing!

I was a tough call to make, but I am so pleased. I feel like I am going to enjoy all those things most guys take for granted: beaches/t-shirts/sun tans etc. my personal confidence is 200% more than it was and grows every day.

All I can say is that before,  I condoned plastic surgery. Now I've realised the 'good' it can do for confidence & self esteem. Sure it may take time to save up for an op, but get a good surgeon who you trust and go for it...

If you can, make some calls, find out more, talk to others.....there is a way out of this very untalked about and often distressing condition.

take care......

Offline Hypo-is-here

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We all can imagine how great it must be to be rid of gyne and if you attained this through surgery then good for you. Unfortunately, surgery doesn't always work out so well for everyone.

No quite right, it only works out so well for the MAJORITY of people.

There is a sizable MINORITY which are either not entirely happy or are no happier than before they had the surgery.

There is almost certainly a small percentage of people who feel they are worse off having had the surgery, but we do not have any statistics for these people, or at least I do not.

Graham how about you, do you have any statistics for this?

Offline Preds

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Good to hear.  I am basically in same situation except a few pounds overweight.  I need to get back into gym.  Your description of wearing baggy clothes to hide fits perfectly.  I could go the rest of my life without going to beach but its the everyday stuff that is so embarrassing.  Anyway, I have decided to take plunge next month.  Can't wait.  Are the drains common for most????
Post surgery
Got my shirt off right now!!!!! lol

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Don't worry I am not look for any renewal of a polarized debate where you say black and I say white.

The point I was making is a just and basic one, that the majority of men are very happy with the results of surgery.

This is unarguable.

The minority percentage that you have stated relates to those that are not satisfied with the results of surgery.

They are not statistics for those who feel that they are worse off after surgery as I don't think statistics for such exist- hence the question I put to you.

Whilst they minority of those who are not satisfied with surgery is statistically significant and very worthy of mention!

It is not fair to present this statistic in any way as though it is those who feel worse off after surgery, as that is not what this statistic represents.

By all means mention that there is a statistically significant minority who do not feel satisfied with their surgery though that is fair comment.

It still wouldn't go amiss if you offered the full picture thought it must be said.  Prsenting half the picture never presnets the truth and never helps anyone IMHO.

But we have been here before so it is better something left in the past.

Offline wolfman

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  • keep fighting my friends
amen! i know how u feel man belive me i know ;)
i finally feel like im a man

Offline newman1975

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Sure guys, I take all your comments on board.
I appologise to those who did not quite get the results they expected. Yes, i was very lucky and got (or getting) the results I wanted. My surgery was done in england on the NHS, rare but I had certain circumstances that merited it. (happy to elaborate if you want to know why!). There is always a risk with surgery and maybe I should have pointed that out too. ..Surgery is really the last option, but for me it was right and the only option.

I have read lots of stories of people who regretted surgery but my philosopy is can only try and you never know what is around the corner. It was right for me, but not necessarily right for everyone. Everyone and each body/circumstances/medical history is different...Take care.  :)


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