Author Topic: Mammogram and ultrasound say no Gyno, then what are these lumps?  (Read 1446 times)

Offline bbnoob25

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A little background, 

Originally on TRT doss of test cyp 140mg and hcg 1050iu per week, in divided doses sub q with 0.25mg AI 3x per week. Crashed my E2, went off AI completely for 8 weeks got bloods taken ay week 7 and had E2 sensitive at 38 and test at 880, and back on AI by week 8.

Didn't expect to have any issues with gynowith E2 of 38 because I felt great, finally had my libido back, didn't feel bloated, but after digging around my chest area I felt a lump (not directly behind nipple, but below and to the side of the nipple, bigger on my right than my left, but I'm the same spot, and realized my chest was a little fatter and softer than the rest of my body). Went to four doctors, my Urologist wasn't sure, another surgeon said no not gyno, and a gyno specialist said it's minor gyno, my PCP said it's probably gyno and ordered a mammogram and ultrasound to confirm and rule cancer out. 

Well, I got my mammogram and ultrasound sound results back, and it didn’t find anything, nada, zilch. I’m just very confused what the lumps are on both sides, with the right side having the same lump in the same place, just twice as big, if it’s not breast tissue, a cyst, or gland?

My PCP, who ordered the tests, thought it was going to be cystic gyno, but the radiologistsaid she didn’t find anything, and says it must be fat (she didn’t actually feel the lump herself so she is just guessing)

None of this really makes sense to me. Howcan I have a large lump, confirmed by multiple doctors as not being “normal” and it not show up on an ultrasound or mammogram?

What the hell are these lumps that are undetectable? I assume the mammogram detects any and all breast tissue, which means whatever the lump is, it’s not causing breast tissue growth, is that accurate?

Any gyno experts out there that can help me better understand what may be going on? The radiologist was pretty dismissive about it, and I have yet to formally speak to the ordering doctor, but he will say the same thing (spoke to ordering doc, and he is at a loss for what it is, wtf) Ugh, not sure if I’m relieved of now even more stressed about random unknown lumps on my chest causing a breast-like appearance
Is it possible the mammogram was a false negative? The lump is directly under my nipple, not behind?


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