Author Topic: Marijuana: Immediate Affect?  (Read 9044 times)

Offline metsn2005

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I recently stopped smoking marijuana for about a month and a half, hoping it would decrease my gyne. I stupidly smoked twice last week to help me go to sleep and tonight i saw a good friend and smoked with him again. I smoked more tonight than the other two times, and maybe its just me, but i think my gyne is bigger. I find it hard to believe that marijuana can have an immediate affect like that because it affects your hormones, which are slow working. When smoke, i tend to eat A LOT of food. Right now there are dullish shots of soreness in my gyne in each breast.  I know I have a medium case of glandular. Anyway, could the large intake of food affect the gyne in this manner, and have nothing to do with the marijuana? In either case, my gyne is def hurting more than it has since I stopped smoking, and I think ill try to not smoke again for some time. The month and a half didn't really make much difference, which was incredibly frustrating ( i love weed), but 've also been working out, so maybe i look a little bigger. Any advice is greatly appreciated...

Offline metsn2005

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i smoked from 8th grade till about 5 months ago (freshmen in college) fairly regularly, but gave it up since i learned about how it causes gyne and for otehr reasons too ( girls hate potheads). just give it up man, trust me, you wont regret it

Look, no offense, but that kind of response is totally useless to me. I know I should quite, but I also want to know info on my immediate situation. When you say i will be glad i quite, does that mean quiting weed was the solution to your gyne?

Offline pe175

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Well no offense to you, but quitting weed may help you become a better speller.

quit no quite

Offline metsn2005

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Well no offense to you, but quitting weed may help you become a better speller.

quit no quite

you think this is a joke? Gynecomastia has ruined the first 3 years of high school for me. I've lost all my friends and have basically become a recluse. All I wanted was someone to adress the questions I bring up in my original post, but I guess you'd rather add an E to the end of one of my words... If you meant for it to be funny, it dont find it funny, and if you didnt, then you better stfu.

Offline crabby5

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Hey I couldn't honestly tell you seeing as how I don't smoke weed, but I would say just quit.  You never know and appearently weed does have an effect on Gyno.  But even though you don't want to hear this, quitting now will make a huge impact on everything else, i.e. your friends for example.  If you're that addicted, you need to check yourself into rehab man.  Once again, sorry if this offends you, but I'm just trying to help you.

Offline pe175

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you think this is a joke? Gynecomastia has ruined the first 3 years of high school for me. I've lost all my friends and have basically become a recluse. All I wanted was someone to adress the questions I bring up in my original post, but I guess you'd rather add an E to the end of one of my words... If you meant for it to be funny, it dont find it funny, and if you didnt, then you better stfu.

No, that was no intended to be a joke.  That actually IS how you spell quit.

Furthermore everyone who has responded to you so far has given you good advice, but according to you "its useless."  With an attitude like that, I don't know what you expect to hear.

You blame gyno for causing you to have no friends and become a recluse?  No, its probably because they don't want to hang out with someone who smokes weed everyday.

You said it yourself, when you smoke you eat A LOT of food.  I'm sure those two bags of funions and 8 ding dongs aren't helping your gyno.

How about this if you want to correct your gyno.

Stop Smoking weed, EAT RIGHT, and exercise.

Its not gonna get rid of it completely but it will help.

Offline Daveo

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Everyone needs to grow up.  He asked whether it had an immediate effect or not, not if he should quit.  Chill out.

Offline rcbrown23

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Agree with Daveo. He asked advice on if there could be an immediate response. He did not want to get lectured about smoking weed.

That being said, here is what I have to say on the subject:

If you would have asked me one year ago if pot had an effect on gyne, I would have said "No". Since then though I have personally gone through my own strange, immediate effect, incidents.

Long story short, I had lipo a year ago and it only got half the gland of one side of my chest. I am waiting for another operation. About six months post op I went on a vacation and consumed excessive amounts of alcohol for a week straight. The excessive alcohol is not uncommon for me, but the week straight is.

On about the lsat night of this drinking binge, I felt a small pain in my chest and a small lump was there where I thought the gland had been removed.

From that point, every time I'd go out drinking (Friday's, Sat's, etc), the next day I could feel the pain in both sides.

Now the gyne has grown back to wear it was pre op. This leads me to believe that alcohol had a DIRECT effect on the re-growth. It would only hurt for one day, and only after a night of heavy drinking.

I think that alcohol and Mary J may not be the direct cause of gynecomastia, but if other things are a little out of whack (testosterone on the high side, etc) then this can be the factor that pushes it over the edge and causes the gyne to grow. I do know that after a heavy drinking binge, testoterone levels can be reduced up to 20% for the following morning.

I don't know all the techicals on the subject, this is just what I have I figured I'd share.


Offline rcbrown23

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You blame gyno for causing you to have no friends and become a recluse?  No, its probably because they don't want to hang out with someone who smokes weed everyday.

How about this if you want to correct your gyno.

Stop Smoking weed, EAT RIGHT, and exercise.

Its not gonna get rid of it completely but it will help.

Dude...if you don't know what the hell your talking about, which you obviously do not, don't bother posting.

Who the fukk are you to say that no one wants to hang out with this guy because he smokes pot? Don't speak for the rest of the world...and especially don't speak for me (or to me for that matter).

Eating right and excercising, as we all know, DOES NOT help glandular gynecomastia at all.


Offline kindherb42

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Dude i was in the same position as you.  I have a mild case, it's mostly just the puffy areolas and some fatty tissue around the nipple area.  I used to smoke 24/7 and yes i had lots and lots of friends; i don't know what the other guy's talking about saying people don't hang out with you since you smoke weed.  I smoke for about 2 1/2 years, and about a year and a half of it every single day, and on the weekends so much it was ridiculous. my friend would spend the night and we'd go through an 1/8 of kindbud and then eat sooo much food i really don't know how it fit into me because i'm small and not chubby or fat or anything. well anyway back to what i was saying, i NEVER used to feel anything when i smoked with my gyne but then when i found out mj can cause it i would feel like my glands were growing every time i smoked. i eventually stopped, started going to the gym about 4 or 5 days a week, and eating very healthy.  I even tried Andractim but it doesnt seem to be working and i'm almost finished the 2nd tube.  i actually do have lots of muscles now so it makes the gyne not look so bad.

But for the longest time it was so hard because i too loved smoking so much and it pissed me off to see my friends and eveyrone else be able to smoke all they wanted and not grow wtf? smoking weed makes me grow fucking sucked. i DO think it has an immediate effect, from my experience but it could just be a mental thing i had where i was so paranoid about my gyne i 'thought' it was growing but who knows. I do suggest quitting and hitting the gym and eating feel a lot better about yourself once you start seeing results.

Offline Spleen

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I would hesitate to think that smoking reefer has an immediate effect on your glands.  From what I understand, gynecomastai as a result of marijuana use is uncommon and the change happens over an extended period of time and typically resolves itself once marijuana use ceases.  The study most people cite on this topic is now over 30 years old and has the subjects were given daily THC does equivalent to 20 joints.  That's a lot.  The growth in your chest might me from fluid retention after eating all those salty foods after getting high.  Or  you could be imagining it.  Or maybe it's really growing.  Oh, the marijuana-gynecomastia connection is apparantly significantly less likely after the age of 20.

Like anything else, when consumed in moderation I believe marijuana is pretty harmless.  Use your best judgement.

Also, blaming all of your personal problems on your chest is probably a bit of projection.  Try to keep a positive attitude and look for solutions.  

Offline metsn2005

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heh where can i sing up for that thc experiment :)

thanks for the good responses and im glad most of you don't feel the need to ridicule me for smoking pot. I know better than anyone how weed affects you. I didn't feel all that great when i was smoking every day, and I don't want to go back to doing that. I think it would be nice to still be able to have a joint every now and then with friends, but i guess i got a little too paranoid last night about the immediate growth. In response to rcbrown, I had the same experience as you did with drinking last night with weed, but I wasn't totally sure because there was a chance they hurt cus I ate a lot, but I doubted that. So thanks for the responses and I'll probably not smoke for quite a while, even if the weed just causes a placebo affect, atleast I'll feel better.

EDIT: btw, quiting weed actually made me less close with my best friend, as we usually smoked when we were hanging out. Also, I know you mean well crabby, but I don't need to go to rehab for weed. You have to be pretty screwed up to need rehab for something that doesn't create a physical dependence.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2005, 03:20:31 PM by metsn2005 »

Offline metsn2005

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did you edit your original post? I'm not pissed or anything  I just sound like a dumbass cus my response is to the first post not the edit.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2005, 04:41:35 PM by metsn2005 »

Offline Mind_Eroded

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I smoke weed on the weekends and honestly i see nothing wrong with it or how its any different than havin a few beers.  I think the whole weed-gyn connection is just a product of government propoganda(which is why marijuana was made illegal in 1937)and even if there is some kind of small connection, it definatly has been blown out of proportion. Just lay low on those munchies and you should be fine.  :)

Offline jonQ

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From all i've heard and read, no mj doesn't have an immediate effect on gyne...maybe there are some of you that have had regrowth-I think it's safe to say it's rare and remember :there's an exception to every rule...
had the surgery done,now i'm gynecomastia-less


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