Author Topic: military and gyne  (Read 4384 times)

Offline 1966

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just wondering if theres any rules on it. I'm joining the army (British) but I'm not sure what happends. am i aloud to do basic training will it effect my medical. i have literally no knowledge of how gyne in the military works. even if you haven't been in any armed forces if you no anythink it would be a great help.

Offline 1966

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i have never seen full metal jacket but i geuss its a man with breasts. i dont have that im very athletic and slim i just have a gland and no fat. big gland thou lol. about 2 inches across.

irish lad

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their would be no problem man just cause you have gyne doesnt mean you cant be as fit or serve your country any less than a person without gyne

Offline Paa_Paw

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I served in the USAF and found that it was no worse than what I had already endured while I was in High School. Some of the guys are idiots, but we have already had to deal with those kind of people so it is nothing new. If you do not allow yourself to be a victim, you will not become one.

Gynecomastia is not a medical condition worthy of note so far as the military is concerned.

It is not uncommon for servicemen of the US to get surgery performed without cost in a military hospital.
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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It is not uncommon for servicemen of the US to get surgery performed without cost in a military hospital.
consider negotiating this before you go in, and importantly, specify that it be done by somebody with competence at gyne, not a general surgeon, since a gs doesn't really care as much he cuts you to hide scarring or necessarily know the tricks to minimizing visible impact. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The same rules about seeking out the best surgeon applies in the military just as it would in civilian life.

Negotiating such a thing in advance is probably not very likely.

Similarly, going into military service is not for everyone, and free surgery is not a good reason to enlist. It could be a rather nice benefit however.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 01:23:30 AM by Paa_Paw »

Offline bennj51189

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would having had gyno surgery affect your medical profile in the american army or any other amry for that matter, could you not be astronaut with having had such a surgery or are there any restrictions on becoming a pilot, paratroop etc? because I wouldnt get it if I couldnt

Offline headheldhigh01

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since it's not life-threatening or a psych condition, i doubt it.  you could get a friend to find out for you, if you want to play it safe. 

not to get far off topic, but although i always had the pilot dreams too, it's not enough to make me join at a time when we're doing this much fighting overseas and more could happen, hope not.  props to those who choose to, but once you sign on, at least in the us, you're kind of a piece of meat, and they don't have to honor all their enlistment agreements about the maximum time you can spend deployed in iraq, stoploss policy etc.  all they do is say "national security, tough sh__."  go for it if it's what you want, but look out for yourself as well. 
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 02:52:38 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline BMB65

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why would simply having gyne affect you getting in the military ? are you talkin about getting sugery first ? im a lil confused as to what you are asking


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