Author Topic: My First Post  (Read 2683 times)

Offline gynepaul

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This is my first post.  I’m not including any pics, because I don’t think a photo would show much at this point.  I just thought I’d post what is going on in my life and see if any of you more experienced guys had any comments. 

I’m 65 years old,  5’11” (lost an inch of height somewhere along the way), and 203 lbs.   I take a number of prescription meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol, but nothing that I know of that could impact gyne.   I have never been diagnosed with gyne, or even thought much about it before this week.   But here is what I’ve just noticed. 

My left breast is a bit swollen around the nipple and I can definitely feel some firm tissue directly beneath the areola.  This tissue is maybe a 1/4”to  3/8” thick and extends out about a quarter to half inch around the diameter of the areola.  There is no swelling on the right breast and no firm tissue beneath that areola.  I did notice that my left nipple got thicker and longer somewhere over the last 5 to 7 years.  I never really  noticed it happening, but just realized one day that it was bigger but couldn’t pinpoint when it happened.  The right nipple also seems bigger but not as big as the left. 

After reading up on gyne over the past several days, I recognized that I have several risk factors.  First is my age (65).   I was also born with an undescended testicle.  I had surgery to correct it at age 11 or 12, which was only partially successful.  My right testicle was lowered such that it is about halfway outside of my body, halfway into the scrotum.  It has not moved any more since the surgery.  My left testicle is normal.   I had low sperm count as a young man and my wife was never able to get pregnant (but she also had some fertility issues).  We ended up adopting two children (now adults). 

I’ve struggled with ED for the last 6 to 8 years.  And to be honest, my libido is fairly low now.  I do not know my testosterone levels. 

Most of the hair on my legs have fallen out over the last 10 years or so.  I still have normal facial and chest hair, although not that heavy. 

I’m thinking that I’m probably seeing the beginning stages of gyne.  It seems odd to me that it’s only on my left side, but perhaps I’ll see the same thing on my right side at some point down the road. 

I’m seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks and will discuss with him.  But, in the meantime, I’d appreciate any comments or insight you may have. Thanks in advance. 

Offline gynepaul

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Well, a lot has happened in the ten days since I made my first post above.  I went to my primary care physician who examined the tissue growth under my left nipple and he thought that it was likely gynecomastia.  But, based on the fact that it was only affecting one side and not the other, he wanted to rule out possible cancers as the cause. So, he scheduled me for a mammogram and breast ultrasound and also a scrotal ultrasound because of my undescended testicle.  He also ordered a series of blood tests to look at my hormone levels.

The mammogram and breast ultrasound did not find any evidence of tumors, but did confirm gynecomastic growth on my left breast.  No evidence of gynecomastia on my right side (yet, but it’s only been three weeks since I noticed the tissue growth on the left side). The scrotal ultrasound showed no evidence of any testicular tumors.  So, good news so far.

Once my blood lab results were in, the news was not so good.  I’ve been diagnosed with a severe testosterone deficiency. My total testosterone was 164 (normal range 300-950) and free testosterone was 5.3 (normal range 6.6 to 18.1).  Estrogen levels seemed to be in range, but FSH/LH levels were very high, which I understand is indicative that the testicles are not functioning correctly (I think I need to learn more about the significance of these FSH/LH numbers). 

 I’m assuming that the undescended testicle is producing no testosterone at all (most likely never did) and the other one has had its functionality reduced considerably based on gradual decline to my current age of age 65.

I’m awaiting a follow up appointment with my primary care physician next week to discuss treatment options. At my age, I’m not too concerned about breast growth, but I am very concerned about all of the impacts from my lack of testosterone.  I’ve already experienced significant  ED and diminishment of libido.  And, I want to  avoid some of the other effects of low T, including diabetes, osteoporosis, and shortened life span.  I assume my PCP will refer me to an endocrinologist to explore treatment options. 

I’m sure others in this forum have dealt with T levels this low.  I’d appreciate hearing about your course of treatment. 


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I lost my testicles after a vasectomy in my mid thirties and only took HRT for a short period stopping due to unpleasant side affects. I suffered a heart attack shortly after that but we never considered that it could have been connected with the HRT. I was 37 then, I'm 60 now! The one good thing that came out of all this is while in the pain clinic at the University of Minnesota I found out that I had years of untreated diabetes! In between the two surgeries of removal of the testicles the pain clinic doctor asked me if my feet hurt! From there the rest is history because my feet were killing my due to neuropathy!

It turned out that I have a rare blood disorder that causes the A1C not to work for testing for diabetes and all my years of physicals 11 of them in the service never caught the diabetes! So losing my testicles saved my life, but gave me 46H breast! Fair trade? I think so!

Other then the damage from the diabetic neuropathy causing me to fall and have multiple back surgeries and I've had both knees replaced my other health is great! My heart is strong, never another problem and nothing was ever found at age 37, my eye sight 20/15, my weight is high but LDL& HDL is great!

I really do fine without the testosterone.


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Yep I can see that the growth is a bit lopsided! It sure is funny or strange how fast these boobs seem to grow!

I hope that things work out for you with your part d. I dropped all that except for part "A" of course sence I get all my health care from the VA.

I've had my breast for many years now and I'm experiencing tenderness again! I'm thinking it is medication induced. It seems like you get to a point that you are damned if you do or damned if you don't so you might as well except things as they are!

Offline gynepaul

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Hammer, I hear what you’re saying about accepting things as they are.  Whatever ends up happening with these boobs, I will have to accept it.  I don’t see myself going for surgery at this point in my life.  I’ve done a lot of reading on this forum over the past four weeks, and it’s improved my outlook as compared to my initial impressions after learning about my gyne.  It really is all about acceptance. 

My gyne may actually be a blessing.  I’ve been suffering a lot of side effects of severe low-t for a number of years that I was just attributing to the aging process.  My wife has felt for several years that I had lost interest in her because of my inability to perform in the bedroom.  The gyne finally caused me to check my hormone levels.  I probably should have figured it out sooner, but I’m glad that I now know the root of my problems. 

We are now hopeful that the TRT will help me regain some of that function.  Doc told me it would be unrealistic to expect the TRT alone to correct my ED, but that in combination with my little “blue pills”, things may work ok again.  I’ve been using the blue pills for several years, but they weren’t much help with my abysmal t-levels. 

Thanks for the feedback.


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Hammer, I hear what you’re saying about accepting things as they are.  Whatever ends up happening with these boobs, I will have to accept it.  I don’t see myself going for surgery at this point in my life.  I’ve done a lot of reading on this forum over the past four weeks, and it’s improved my outlook as compared to my initial impressions after learning about my gyne.  It really is all about acceptance.  

My gyne may actually be a blessing.  I’ve been suffering a lot of side effects of severe low-t for a number of years that I was just attributing to the aging process.  My wife has felt for several years that I had lost interest in her because of my inability to perform in the bedroom.  The gyne finally caused me to check my hormone levels.  I probably should have figured it out sooner, but I’m glad that I now know the root of my problems.  

We are now hopeful that the TRT will help me regain some of that function.  Doc told me it would be unrealistic to expect the TRT alone to correct my ED, but that in combination with my little “blue pills”, things may work ok again.  I’ve been using the blue pills for several years, but they weren’t much help with my abysmal t-levels.  

Thanks for the feedback.

I don't know if you have read my story, but I lost my testicles after a vasectomy and l have been happily married for 31 years as of the 29th of this month and there is SO much more that goes into making a GREAT MARRIAGE then your performance in the bedroom!

I sure hope that you and your wife can find the joy, happiness and excitement the Debbie and I do in our marriage. We do things that we both enjoy together, have fun with our children and grandchildren as well camping and other activities.

Good luck 


Offline gynepaul

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 . . . “there is SO much more that goes into making a GREAT MARRIAGE then your performance in the bedroom!”

I get that.  I really do.  My wife and I have been married for 40 years.  We have been through so much together, both good and bad.  I wouldn’t trade her for anything.  We are both retired now and our kids are grown.  We’ve got grandkids that we love being around.  We like taking long RV trips together (two months out to the west coast and back earlier this year).   

As far as performance in the bedroom, I had already mentally made the adjustment that it was something that was in my past.  But, now that I realize that I have a chance to get some of that back, I’m really looking forward to giving the TRT a chance.  Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t.  I won’t know until I try it.  But, I do know that my wife will still be by my side.  She has even taken a liking to my new little boob.  We will just have to see where all of this takes us. 

Thanks again for for the encouragement Hammer. 


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. . . “there is SO much more that goes into making a GREAT MARRIAGE then your performance in the bedroom!”

I get that.  I really do.  My wife and I have been married for 40 years.  We have been through so much together, both good and bad.  I wouldn’t trade her for anything.  We are both retired now and our kids are grown.  We’ve got grandkids that we love being around.  We like taking long RV trips together (two months out to the west coast and back earlier this year).  

As far as performance in the bedroom, I had already mentally made the adjustment that it was something that was in my past.  But, now that I realize that I have a chance to get some of that back, I’m really looking forward to giving the TRT a chance.  Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t.  I won’t know until I try it.  But, I do know that my wife will still be by my side.  She has even taken a liking to my new little boob.  We will just have to see where all of this takes us.  

Thanks again for for the encouragement Hammer.

Sounds great my friend! We look forward to the long read trips too as soon as Debbie retires in a couple years! The Silverado and camper are in the driveway waiting to go!

You have got a good handle on it all and a great wife by your side it sounds like! You are good to go my friend and I wish you all the best!

We are here for each other on the forum if you need anything, and may God bless both you and your wife and family as well!

Offline gynepaul

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Thanks again. 

Offline gynepaul

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Thanks again!!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Your first post, and my first response in a good while.   I tend to think I am the resident old man since I am 81. 
One sided growth is not uncommon, and yes, age can be a factor.  At the same time, there are a lot of men here who only wish their breasts were that small. 
I had a triple bypass one year ago with a long list of complications and a whole lot of different drugs used for a while and I think my breasts may have grown a bit.  Not really sure since I have actually had the condition since I was a boy of 12 in 1949.  
Stay in touch, we are all here for the same reason. 
Grandpa Dan


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Your first post, and my first response in a good while.   I tend to think I am the resident old man since I am 81.  
One sided growth is not uncommon, and yes, age can be a factor.  At the same time, there are a lot of men here who only wish their breasts were that small.  
I had a triple bypass one year ago with a long list of complications and a whole lot of different drugs used for a while and I think my breasts may have grown a bit.  Not really sure since I have actually had the condition since I was a boy of 12 in 1949.  
Stay in touch, we are all here for the same reason.

Dan, it is great to see you posting again! It has been awhile (since April) I believe, and you have been missed! I hope that your health is doing better and that Judy is in good health as well!

God bless you both!


Offline gynepaul

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I’ve been reading on another thread about how this forum has gone quiet lately.  I usually check the forum regularly, but haven’t posted in a while.  So, I thought I’d post an update. 

Since my last post, I’ve started TRT (been on it about three months now).  I’m using a liquid T solution applied to my underarms every morning.  T levels have gone from under 200 to around 900.  Doc thinks it may be even a little too high, but is waiting until my next set of lab tests before making any adjustments.  I’ve seen some positive results so far. I am experiencing less fatigue, and I’ve seen an increase in libido. The ED seems better too.  I am continuing to lose weight, but as a result of diet changes, not the TRT (lost 40 pounds so far, dating  back to before I even noticed the start of the gyne).
Since my last post, I was also diagnosed with osteopenia, which is a precursor to osteoporosis, and is apparently the result of years of low T.  I’m taking a boron  supplement to help with that. Hopefully, it will slow down any further bone loss. 

As far as my gyne is concerned, it is still less than five months since I first noticed any breast growth.  Initially it was only on my left side.   Since starting the TRT, it appears that the growth on the left side has stopped or slowed significantly.  But, also since starting TRT, some growth has now begun on the right side. Still, not quite as much is on the left, but it appears to me like it may be still slowly growing. At least my chest looks a little more balanced now. 

Not sure what to make of all this .  .  .  maybe the TRT has stopped the gyne or maybe it hasn’t.  I guess time will tell.  It’s very noticeable (at least to me) without a shirt, but not very noticeable with a shirt on.  My wife tells me it’s nothing to worry about.  But, she does take more of an interest in my new little boobs in our now-improved sex life.  So, life is good, I guess. 


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Sounds like things are looking up! I'm sure that the increase of testosterone will stop the growth, if not I'll be surprised! But then again I have been wrong once before, I think it was Dec 14th 1974, lol.

Offline gynepaul

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I hope you’re right, Hammer, but I’m not taking it to the bank, yet.  I’ve heard and read a lot of stories about gynecomastia being triggered or getting worse on testosterone therapy. Also, the growth I’ve experienced the last several months on my right side has all come after I started TRT. So, I’m hoping for the best, but prepared to accept whatever comes.

As a 65-year-old man, I wouldn’t want to have to develop new skills around buying and wearing bras.  I don’t think I need one now with the growth I’ve had so far.  I don’t really have any issues with needing additional support for most of my activities.  I do have a lot of movement if I jog, so maybe I’ll just stick to walking.   Anyway, thanks for the feedback. 


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