Author Topic: is my gyno permanent?  (Read 5017 times)

Offline maxl98

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So Ive had gynecomastia for about 1 1/2 years now. Im 16 and im very worried that It wont go away. It kills me everyday to see it and it is absolutely terrible. IVe read the if the lump under the nipple is already hard, that means it will never go away. Im not sure exactly what that means, as in how hard the lump should be. THe lump I have is very firm, like actually hard. Is my gyno permanent? I cant live with this and I need it go be gone! I cant get surgery at this age either.. What does a hard lump mean? I
s it permanent?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 10:40:47 PM by maxl98 »

Offline maxl98

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Offline Paa_Paw

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The condition is usually considered permanent if it has not changed for two years. Within that time, the longer you have it the more likely it is to be unchanged.

Your narrative leads me to believe the condition developed when you were 14 or 15. That is not common. The condition usually starts about the age of 12 when a boy first starts into puberty.
Grandpa Dan

Offline maxl98

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So mine is likely permanent!!?? The lump under is kind of hard. It may just be me but I feel like it has reduced in size over the past few months but its still big. When pubertal gynecomastia starts receding, how long does it take to be completely gone?

Offline Zenxer

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When the body changes, it happens very slowly. I would wait half a year, if it isn't gone then, then it's never going to go away on its own. Even after a year and a half of you having it, I doubt it'll go away. Sorry man.

If it bothers you this much, talk to your parents about it, and possibly get the surgery done.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline maxl98

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Surgery wont be possible for me.. :( because of money . Its hard to realize that im going to be stuck with this for decades to come. I could have never imagined dealing with something like this and not being able to live like a normal guy with a normal body, this really sucks. I guess youre right, although if stopped short and already come to the conclusion that im stuck with this.

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Max,

It really isn't for decades unless you never decide to have surgery.  You won't be living with parents for long and in not too much time you will be working and earn your own money and you can save up for a chop job.  First it doesn't mean an end to a "normal" social life with girls.  I was born before it was possible to do anything about it.  Yes, it was a real pain in the ass to be around adolescent boys from 12 to 18.  They are mostly major assholes but some  outgrow it.  The girls were never a problem.

The only problem with girls was all in my head.  I went on my first date 2 days after getting my driver's license.  Not a single girl ever rejected me because of my having a set of B-C cup breasts in that period (D - DD these days dependent upon weight and edema).  A number of occasions it has become, "you can feel mine if I can feel yours" from the girls or ladies.  I'm writing this from my RV at a nudist club.  My future wife I met in college had founded the school nudist club.  Nearly half the men have gyno of one cause or another by the time they hit their mid 50s.  That is entirely normal and extremely obvious when nobody is wearing a stitch of clothing.  Body insecurity and shame is taught by many societies.  Then there is always a way to bully people.

So you can scare yourself to death catastrophizing all the worst possibilities and because of fear bring all your fears to realization making life as awful aS YOU IMAGINE.  Please realize that there are more or less 80 million men in the USA with gynocomastia, with 2 million more getting it every year.  Of those, under 10.000 have surgery every year.  I skinny dipped with friends all during that terrible period but did not go to public beaches or pools.  These days unkind remarks are rare but I shoot them down hard and educate the people a little.  I can talk nearly anybody to near death.

Tell your self scarey stories if you want, or get over it, or make plans and start researching and saving for surgery.  Take whatever pathway you want to take,  but get started.  This is your life and you are living it currently in the way you say you least desire and most fear.  That's a choice too.  Good luck.  Have fun.



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