Author Topic: My Puffy Nipples - Please Give Advice  (Read 2131 times)

Offline PuffyTeen

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My name is Rhys and I am 16 and a half years old. I am not fat at all, I am rather skinny at 60kg  I first noticed my gyne three years and a half ago. My nipples stick out and I am afraid to go swimming or participate in any activity that requires my shirt being taken off.

I was concerned about this when it began so I went to my mother for help. She told me it was pubesent and would go away after 1-2 years. So I waited tese long two years wearing singlets under my shirts and jumpers whenever possible and declining social outings to pools etc...

After the two years were up I noticed no change in my nipples. They seemed the same and you could feel a hard something under the skin which I am presuming is the gland. I put forward my concerns to my mother again and she agreed to take me to go see a doctor. The docter I went to said exactly the same thing my mother said "It is due to puberty and they should go away in a few years".

Into my forth year of gyne I am concerned that they will not go away and I might need to remove them surgically or medically. I decided to do some research on the web and found this website. I was amazed at the sincerety and truth found on this site and knew I could trust the people here with seeking advice. I found a link to a medicine that claims to remove the gyne. There were many success stories and statistics and what nots. I would like to try this one out but I think my parents may be pessimistic about ordering medicine off the internet. I do not want to get surgery because it is too expensive and my family just can't afford something like that.

I am afraid of what my friends would think of them if they found out and I am afraid to get into a relationship with a girl because I am afraid of what her reaction would be towards my gyne. I am currently very interested in a wonderful girl and I would love to have a relationship with her but my self-esteem is not high enough to bring the relationship into something very serious.

I would greatly appreciate any tips on what I should do because these nipples are really getting me down and holding me back. Which is the better option to get? Thank you for listening.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 07:30:13 AM by PuffyTeen »

Offline monnom

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i had the same problem when i was 12, the doctor said it would go away in time, it didnt, i am almost 20 and i got surgery just the other day

i wouldnt trust any medicines, the cause of the puffyness is a gland which is a tissue that looks like bacon fat (i was wide awake for my surgery) and i cant imagine how any medicine would be able to dissolve the gland, the only way to remove it is through surgery

i doubt ur puffyness will just go away, my dad had the same problem and he got his removed when he was 15

as far as a girl friend goes, just tell her its a condition ur embarassed about and it will go away in time, if the two of u are in a good relationship she wont make a big deal of it.  dont let it bother u when ur with her and just make sure u rock her world, make sure ur the only guy who can make her feel good on an emotional and physical level

as far as the money goes, just start saving up for it now, stay in good shape and dont worry about it
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Offline Paa_Paw

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My family doctor said the same thing when I was 12. I am now an old man of 69 and I'm still waiting.

All kidding aside, It does diminish over time for a lot of young men-- but obviously not for all of us.

Gynecomastia is a condition that effects us in some strange ways. The effects are almost entirely  Psychological rather than Physical.  Social withdrawal, exclusion from activities such as swimming and/or sports, and depression are common. Perhaps it might be best to ask for a consultation with a Psychologist because of your social withdrawal and depression.  A good psychologist could be a great help in getting your primary care Doctor and parents to take you seriously.
Grandpa Dan


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