Author Topic: Is my Testosterone levels normal?  (Read 3422 times)

Offline Chadly

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  Trying to figure out the cause of my gyno and i'm not sure if it's hormonal related or not. I just had a basic testosterone blood test done at my doctors lab and it came back with a score of 13.5. She said that was fine but I'm wondering if it's on the low side or not. The range is from 6 to 27. I'm 38 years old. Does this score seem okay for my age? Thanks

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a problem with your question so I cannot give you a straight answer.

First, a man's Testosterone level will change. High in a young adult and tapering off as a man ages. So your level is within the normal range, Has it been adjusted for age? Probably not.

Second, You did not give your Estrogen level. Actually there are several different kinds of Estrogen just as there are variants of Testosterone. What is most important is how the two hormones relate to each other. Men have Estrogen and it is very important, just as testosterone is important for a female. Even if your Testosterone level is normal, if your Estrogen level is too high the balance is not what it should be.

All of this is way over my head and frankly it is over the heads of many Doctors too. That is why it is a good idea to have an Endocrinologist go over the test results.
Grandpa Dan

Offline D1982

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Testosterone levels can change if you have had sex before the test.

Boxers, rugby and footballers are told no sex or solo sex before matches as this reduces testosterone.

Offline jay adams

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Low test would be a concern for lots of health reasons besides gyno. For gyno your estrogen level is what you want to worry about. My testosterone came back at 4.87  pg/ml. Range 3.8 - 34.2 for my age. Im on hormone replacement therapy now but my estrogen is within normal range and I do bloodwork to make sure It's in check.

High estrogen is what can cause gyne. I'd get my estrogen checked with a sensitive estrogen test. You can order them online or have your doctor run the tests for you if you're curious.

Offline Chadly

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Thanks for all your feedback! I have a doctors appointment booked for Monday and will ask for more blood work to check my estrogen levels. I'll see what my doctors says.

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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You can ask your doctor to check these values...

Total Test
Free Test
e2 Sensitive Assay

Then you should have a really good idea of where you're at...
I hope this helps
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 09:23:20 PM by Keep_It_Moving »


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