Author Topic: Natural cure  (Read 2659 times)


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Just a question-i'm 16 y/o with gynecomastia who hasn't gone through the whole pubert ychanges (to full extent).

I'm hoping that my gyne will go away naturally.
But my question

1) if it does go away naturall, will this be a more sudden process, or a gradual one

2) When is this expected to happen, or does it completely depend?


Offline crow

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Just a question-i'm 16 y/o with gynecomastia who hasn't gone through the whole pubert ychanges (to full extent).

I'm hoping that my gyne will go away naturally.
But my question

1) if it does go away naturall, will this be a more sudden process, or a gradual one

2) When is this expected to happen, or does it completely depend?


Not a doctor but i would think it would be gradual....... 8)
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........

Offline Paa_Paw

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Gradual, Meaning for some people, Years.

If you are at present more or less fixed, that is a good sign in that they are not continuing to grow.

You hit the nail on the head, Your results are purely your own.

Try to find out if the men of your parents families had the condition and how long it too to resolve for them.

The tendence to have Gynecomastia has an undeniable genetic component. Your case should be similar to those of other men in your extended family.
Grandpa Dan


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