Author Topic: NEED ENDO HELP  (Read 2342 times)

Offline phxguy123

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My general doc recommended that I go to an endo after he diagnosed me with (recently onset) gyno -- at the age of 27.  I called the gyno office, and they said they don't deal with that, and I should see an oncologist!  UGH.  Obviously, I don't want to go there considering my doctor specifically referred me to an endo.

I know that there have been recommendations for good endo research websites in the past.  Can someone post the sites to find a good one that can help with hormone balance and gyno?

I want to find a good one that is forward thinking and doesn't consider my 47 estrogen and 557 testosterone "normal" for 27.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The field of Endocrinology has grown to the point that there are many sub-specialties. Perhaps you contacted an Endocrinologist who deals only with a specialized group of patients.

You might try looking for an Endocrinologist who has specialized in reproductive issues.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline charlie1821

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You need to find an endo that specializes in hormones.

Most of them deal with diabetes it seems, but you just have to search. Use your insurance's search engine if it has one on their website.

Offline phxguy123

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Yeah..I meant endo office (not gyno office).  I also have sleep apnea (at 27 and normal weight), so I sometimes make stupid mistakes like that.


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