Author Topic: Need Post-OP Help  (Read 1401 times)

Offline snycs10

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So I'm going in on 2/5 for my procedure. I've had gyno for about 5 years and have had large nipples that stick out pretty much my whole life. I'm getting both fixed. I'm going to Dr. Jacobs in Manhattan (anyone ever go to him?). I have several questions about post-op care. Exactly how much pain will I be in? How much are you really able to function for the first few days post surgery; can I get up and walk around, make myself a sandwhich, go the bathroom, etc.?(I live in an NYC apt. so walking around my home won't be a long distance). Also, I've told my work that I'm going in to get wisdom teeth taken out. Frankly I don't think they need to know my business, but here's the dilemma. One, how to I fake wisdom teeth being taken out? And two, at my workplace I may on occoasion have to lift a 10 pound box, I know I really shouldn't be doing that at all (I'll be going back to work 6 days after my surgery). Anyone have any "tricks" to help speed up the healing process? I've started taking 500mg of Vitamin C, does this help? Also, I'm going on a cruise with the girlfriend's family exactly 38 days after my surgery, I'm a very fit and healthy 26 year healed up should I be? Will I be able to go shirtless at the beach? Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.


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