Author Topic: New here.  (Read 2173 times)

Offline Ronnie

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I've had  boobs for most of my adult life. They occasionally get sore but really don't bother me and at my age I have no intentions of doing anything but continue to live with them.  I've been reading a lot of the post and have a few questions. I've noticed some guys have opted to wear a bra. Do they help and has anyone had a doctor suggest or recommend they wear a bra? 

My wife thinks I should at least try wearing a bra to see if it helps but I'd hate for her or anyone knowing I was wearing a woman's bra. I told her I'd consider it if it was recommended by a doctor. 

Offline Traveler

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Welcome Ronnie! I feel like you’re about to go on a personal journey that many here have also had to struggle with and it’s not an easy one. You do have one thing in your corner that many here don’t, a wife who sees the need and would accept your decision, either way.

My acceptance didn’t happen in the first year or even the second one. It took a lot of trial and error with compression tees, pull over sports bras and trying to ignore the discomfort before I had to accept that real bras were MY personal solution. We’re here to help. I read a lot on the forum before I made my acceptance. You have to be you.

Offline blad

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There is no one right answer for everyone, but I think it does deserve trying a well fitting bra for a period of time and then you can decide if it is an answer for you. 

In my case, I have had breasts for a long time and I am comfortable to wear a bra daily for the support and improved conturing it provides. I have a supportive wife who recognizes my need.

A relaxed fitting button up shirt with a darker pattern will hide any appearance of the bra straps which is usually a concern with first time bra use. As confidence in wearing a bra grows, concern of wearing a bra in public diminishes. 

Having a bra that is well fitting is important to having a valid opinion. Ideally, being fitted in a store is best, although I can understand that you may not want to go that far on day one.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline SideSet

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 If your wife thinks you should wear a bra, you probably should.  I think you should let her measure you and pick out bras for you to try.  Please let us know how it goes 


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Welcome, you are where I was about 4 years ago.  I agree, if your wife thinks you should wear a bra and is willing to help you get started, you should at least try it.  Try different styles and you will end up with something that works for you.  When you do, buy several and rotate them.

Once you try a bra, you will kick yourself for not doing it sooner.  Trust me.  Let us know how it goes.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 03:43:45 PM by felix »

Offline Dale Warnio

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I agree. Take up your wife’s offer about having you try a bra. What have you got to lose?

Offline Goodnplenty

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First, it sounds like your wife is trying to be helpful and is accepting.  That should not be overlooked.  If you read through the posts in the acceptance section I would estimate that about 50% of the guys have non accepting wives or choose to hide it from their wife.  Not having the anxiety associated with shame or discovery from a spouse is a big thing. 

About bras, if you choose to wear one it doesn't have to a 24x7 endeavor.  Some guys here wear a bra a majority of the time because of their size and comfort it provides.  I'm not that big (38c) and don't experience and daily discomfort so I don't wear a bra daily.   However when the temperature drops I get excruciating pain in my nipples and depending on what I'm wearing I can get raw chaffed nipples so I  will opt for a bra or a womens exercise tank with some padding to keep my nipples warm and toasty.  

It's not an all or nothing approach, it's based on your needs.  Women have been doing this for a hundred years and they garments for every size, shape and purpose.

Offline Busty

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Listen to your wife. She has breasts, too, and only has your best interests at heart.

She, obviously, accepts you have breasts and comfortable seeing you in a bra.

You should ask her to measure your bra cup and band size and show you some bras she thinks you should try.

Like Dale said, what have you got to lose ?

And I predict you will love the support and more polished look of everything nicely held in place.

Offline SideSet

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Ronnie, did you take your wife up on her offer to help you start wearing bras?  If so, then you have come to realize you now feel much more comfortable with your bra supporting your breasts and confident knowing how much better you look with your breasts contained in the cups of your bra.

 In my opinion, you received a lot of good advice here and you are extremely lucky to have the acceptance and support of your wife. Many wives are embarrassed if their husbands have breasts like women and do not want their husbands wearing bras like women do.  Yeah, your wife is suggesting and offering to help you wear a bra like her and other women. 

 As Felix said, once you start wearing a bra, you kick yourself for not wearing bras  sooner 

Busted (and happy)

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Welcome Ronnie, 
My doctor recommended a bra as the best, cheapest, no risk option. 
He was right. It improves things no end for relief of discomfort./ pain.
The bad news is that it almost certainly will cause more projection. Personally I find that this is infinitely preferable to nipples and  the outline of female shaped boobs showing through tops or slobbing around in plus sized t shirts.
Listen to advice, experiment a bit and follow your own path in your time, 
If you go down the bra route, get yourself properly measured as different manufacturers ways of measuring differ. Also 38 B  say will differ greatly.
Women's formulas often don't work for men and above all don't take advice from the women in your life. It is a well documented fact that 80% of women are in the wrong size bra. Probably explains why women burn their bras and go without! 


  • Guest
Welcome Ronnie,
My doctor recommended a bra as the best, cheapest, no risk option.
He was right. It improves things no end for relief of discomfort./ pain.
The bad news is that it almost certainly will cause more projection. Personally I find that this is infinitely preferable to nipples and  the outline of female shaped boobs showing through tops or slobbing around in plus sized t shirts.
Listen to advice, experiment a bit and follow your own path in your time,
If you go down the bra route, get yourself properly measured as different manufacturers ways of measuring differ. Also 38 B  say will differ greatly.
Women's formulas often don't work for men and above all don't take advice from the women in your life. It is a well documented fact that 80% of women are in the wrong size bra. Probably explains why women burn their bras and go without!
Well said.

  There are a lot of opinions out there.  The right thing is what is comfortable for you!


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