The aspect of "Trans' in the modern connotation is actually quite young. Trans sexuality trans gender, whatever term you want to use is when a person makes the conscious decision to alter their persona and body to a different subset of whatever it may be from what would be considered "normative" for their given birth sex. the idea of altering one's 'expected" gender is in fact age old. Hijras from India have a historical record dating to the 15th Century BC and poss. before. In Judaism 4 then 6 genders date back 5k years+. Zoroastrians has information on such groups including intersexed another 1500 years prior to that.
The modern interpretation is more for contemporary audiences. Nothing more than a label at this point. But yes, such do exist and are not fetishes, or psychologically deviant. That was a product of Victorian England and the Pax Britannica.
Inter sex, DSD, Hermaphrodite etc individuals are people who were born with altered aspects from 'normative" people (I use this word only for contemporary means) because3 they fall outside what is where people think they should be. Ambiguous boy-girl parts along with aspects and/or personality traits that do not follow these "normative' aspects have been recorded for more than 8K years in various texts. The Vedic culture from the Indus Valley, though the Babylonian and Chinese ancient cultures, Mayan, Peruvian, Nat American and even Eskimo cultures recognize these traits. Remember, there is a deeply long history of what we all is, and should never ever be ashamed nor criticize other of 'us folk" simply over politics.
They and we are in fact sill human. but left-right i would remind everyone be careful of labeling. The Republicans gained bad reputations in the 1970's mostly due to Tricky Dix.. But I would also remind everyone that in the South the Democrats held a death grip on discrimination for more than 100 years. It is a sad commentary of today that these kinds of labels are still applied due to emotional arguments. Remember, those who are the true enemy love us splintered and fighting each other.
As i stated, 10 years ago you would have found me solidly within one of those camps. Now, I am on the periphery because of my hormone stew and the changes that I am going through causes me to be excluded. Its deeply painful when those who surround you on either side use their ignorance as a weapon.
Why we need to stand together.