Author Topic: New laws coming  (Read 3376 times)

Offline WPW717

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Turns out I am one of those weirdos.

We eliminated Kleinfelters  a while ago.
Incidence= 1 in every 650 male birth is reported. MEN Syndrome Types 1 & 2 incidence in the whole population is 1 in a million. My genetic testing did not yield the MEN1 or CKDN1 gene mutations for diagnostic certainty. Clinically I have MEN but not the genetic component. Lots of shoulder shrugging by local docs. Even less of what to do with me. There was a mutated CHEK 2 gene that causes a 20-44% increase in breast cancer in females, not studied in males. Endocrine Society has a new study that defines this as MEN Type 4. It incidence is 1 in 10 million. Extrapolating to a 350 million population means that there are only 35 people like me in the country!

That is why I was reading every single article about intersex, genetics, and endocrine disorders. Wasn’t looking to start a flame war, just remarking on a piece of history I had never heard before.

Mild umbrage at being’ silly or contrived’ but I’ll remain pleasantly engaged here.
Regards, Bob

Offline taxmapper

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The politics is the problem. I recently lost a good friend over the election and 'absolutist" mentality. 

Genetic variation and the desire to keep it hidden and unexplored by medical science (at least publicly) is again part of a prudish and puritan attitude that unfortunately hold people like us in the same regard as witches.  

An abomination before God. 

On the left there is an attitude that stems from the older "grey Area" mantra that speaks of acceptance of variation, but excludes inconvenient aspects. 

On the right there is an abiding by a strict template of Right - left, Boy - Girl, Black - White. 

I long ago learned that being on the periphery means that I cannot hook onto a single sided philosophy and moreover, my personal education has brought me well beyond the normal levels that people attain to. 

Being on the periphery also means that unusual and unique elements exist in our personal lives.  For me personally, the checkmarks keep growing over a strong anti-androgen aspect but the male side is still quite strong. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Reminds me of last year when I was admitted into the hospital. I was just arriving upstairs and the nurse walked in with a handful of "condom catheters". I couldn't help but laugh. 

She pulled down my brief and said, "Oh! These aren't going to work!" To which I responded, "No, I need to use the PureWick female catheter." "I don't have anything to hook them on."

Nurses and CNAs come across this quite often but no one talks about it. It's taboo conversation in our society. 

When you try to explain this to the average person you get the deer-in-the-headlights look from them. 

Sadly, 1/1500 children will be born with some degree of intersex condition yet society still refuses to address it other than calling it a "deformity." Something that must be hidden and not talked about. 

Same thing with my "gynecomastia" diagnosis and wide hips. "Hide them" was the only advise from my father. 

Considering with my uterus, boobs, and curves I am much more female than male, I am not sure why my father just didn't accept things years ago. 

When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline JJ_Gyne

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Deeper thoughts..... what constitutes a deformity. Isn't that label someone in a lab-coat once classified as being below the mean in a statistical grouping.
It in itself should probably just be another word moved out of common use and retired like other antiquated practice.

Exploring further, given the fact that all fetus's are female until additional genes make them male. And following some thought that life occurs at conception. Isn't then the addition of the SRY gene for determining sex essentially performing a FtM sex change on a life incapable of making that decision for themselves. Every male on this planet has had their sex chosen for them and given direction on how to act as such without a inquiry, seat at the table, to ask as to how they feel about it. In a sense from a point of view being male then becomes the deformity.

Shameful ... Who to we think we are... performing SRS on lives that haven't even been born.

All this post demonstrates is the absolute hypocrisy in a system founded on extremisms that lean one way or another based on what you were told to believe or have had your eyes opened to based on your life experiences.

"experience" is considered the key to self-enlightenment"
Don't pass judgement on someone because they believe one way or another. Live their life... and you may understand why they are the way they are.

So excited to see the roasting that I am going to receive. Who will throw the first stone.

Offline WPW717

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Not from me.

Offline taxmapper

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The infamous SRY gene seems to have a mind of its own. and your daddy may have had only one boot on! 

biological diversity is more than multiple species its the dynamic of differences.  but watching Star Trek continues (You Tube) they point out that during the civil war (Ep: Divided we stand) that wearing a color of a uniform seems to create something that somehow is suppose to differentiate us from one another based on abstract concepts. 

yet here we are.  On an internet forum speaking in much the same way the Jonny Rebs and Billie Yank did over 159 years ago. 

maybe we'll learn.. maybe not. 


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Someone in a different thread a bit ago lamented that the "lurkers" were too afraid to post replies or start new threads. This thread is exactly why many of us don't.

It boggles my mind that folks who decry their treatment at the hands of some are so quick to give that same treatment to those of us with different thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Narrow minded? Look in a mirror. 

There's plenty of room to have a discussion but it seems it's more fun to name call and generalize. And yes, I understand I'm doing much the same right now. Spare me. This is my rage quit so I'm going to have my say. Gender may not be black and white but it's certainly a lot simpler than some on here seem to believe. Leave it alone. Be whatever gender you want to be or imagine you can be. But stop requiring everyone else to buy into it. 

I came here to find answers only to be categorized as one of 'Them' because I'm of the opinion that bras are a far enough step and on a gynecomastia forum about our breast acceptance we ought to talk about gynecomastia and our breast acceptance. Yes, I can and do choose what threads to read and which to ignore, often times just based on the author. I hate being lectured even if I do it myself from time to time. Like, well, now but rage quit. 

This attitude of 'this is the way it is so shut up you hater' about gender pisses me off. No one knows everything. NO ONE. If some of you keep going off the deep end here you're going to find this forum disappearing. No one needs this. The forum owner certainly doesn't. I'd love to see the group stay on topic but I fear that is a forlorn hope. 

Rant off now its rage quit time. No doors to slam. No middle finger to anyone. I find myself deeply saddened and disappointed. Instead of finding friends I found yet another online forum with zero tolerance. And you wonder why the newbies stay so silent. 

Offline Moobzie

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Blue Too:
Well said !!!! Hope you stay aboard, if you wish. (There is a lot of gyno info, tho' it may take some digging to find it.)
Half a dozen constant posters about subjects other than gynecomastia hardly make a "forum", and run the risk of dissuading 'newbies' from participating - for fear (disgust?) of malignation.  

Offline Justagirl💃

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Someone in a different thread a bit ago lamented that the "lurkers" were too afraid to post replies or start new threads. This thread is exactly why many of us don't.

It boggles my mind that folks who decry their treatment at the hands of some are so quick to give that same treatment to those of us with different thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Narrow minded? Look in a mirror.

There's plenty of room to have a discussion but it seems it's more fun to name call and generalize. And yes, I understand I'm doing much the same right now. Spare me. This is my rage quit so I'm going to have my say. Gender may not be black and white but it's certainly a lot simpler than some on here seem to believe. Leave it alone. Be whatever gender you want to be or imagine you can be. But stop requiring everyone else to buy into it.

I came here to find answers only to be categorized as one of 'Them' because I'm of the opinion that bras are a far enough step and on a gynecomastia forum about our breast acceptance we ought to talk about gynecomastia and our breast acceptance. Yes, I can and do choose what threads to read and which to ignore, often times just based on the author. I hate being lectured even if I do it myself from time to time. Like, well, now but rage quit.

This attitude of 'this is the way it is so shut up you hater' about gender pisses me off. No one knows everything. NO ONE. If some of you keep going off the deep end here you're going to find this forum disappearing. No one needs this. The forum owner certainly doesn't. I'd love to see the group stay on topic but I fear that is a forlorn hope.

Rant off now its rage quit time. No doors to slam. No middle finger to anyone. I find myself deeply saddened and disappointed. Instead of finding friends I found yet another online forum with zero tolerance. And you wonder why the newbies stay so silent.
Strange that I had a similar discussion today with my nurse today. He said, "there are only two genders with a multitude of possible deformities inbetween, that I was I was registered as male at birth and that shall never change." He went on to say that I need to cut my hair off and go back to bib overalls (to hide my chest). He even offered to give me a flat top!

I of course respect his views, those are his opinions. 

I of course declined a haircut. And as far being told I need to "hide my chest" to "keep from rocking the boat" is not my opinion in the least. i am quite proud of my F cups. 

As a nurse he understands androgen insensitivity, and variations in sexual development it can cause, but his opinion is that delivery room doctors don't make mistakes. It's basically the conclusion the medical facility has made regarding my case and care plan. 

Under their care I dress androgynous as per their rules and regulations at the centre because I attend their program as a medical participant. I respect their opinions, I only ask they respect mine as well. 

Live and let live!

As for my chest development that I have had since puberty, I have a neighbour here in my complex that refuses to believe that's even possible without HRT (I have never had HRT).
He also doesn't believe intersex is really a condition and I most likely had SRS (I did not). 

Out of about 150 patients at the centre two other gentlemen have a diagnosis of gynecomastia and are instructed to wear baggy shirts and layers. The centre is quite embarrassed by things that "don't fit the norm."

The attitude here in the Texas panhandle is pretty much universally the same with few exceptions. 

Not my opinion in the least, but I won't argue with them unless they try to cut my hair or ask that I go back to bib overalls. 

Offline taxmapper

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to be honest Birdie, i love Texas to a certain degree. Same with my home nest of Nuevo Mexico.  There are so many political layers here, I too would put out the suggestion to seek out more friendly territory to live.  

Where I am at is an eclectic mix of traditional Catholicism and modern progressivism with a dash of smart ass witches, pagans, agnostics and egg head and arrogant doctors (Los Alamos) that were on a unsteady train but steady tracks. 

Not sure how to be part of a community that shares many core values but hates your politics. 

its like being an overly caffeinated alcoholic. 

Very drunk but very aware! 

Offline Gino

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Someone in a different thread a bit ago lamented that the "lurkers" were too afraid to post replies or start new threads. This thread is exactly why many of us don't.

It boggles my mind that folks who decry their treatment at the hands of some are so quick to give that same treatment to those of us with different thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Narrow minded? Look in a mirror.

There's plenty of room to have a discussion but it seems it's more fun to name call and generalize. And yes, I understand I'm doing much the same right now. Spare me. This is my rage quit so I'm going to have my say. Gender may not be black and white but it's certainly a lot simpler than some on here seem to believe. Leave it alone. Be whatever gender you want to be or imagine you can be. But stop requiring everyone else to buy into it.

I came here to find answers only to be categorized as one of 'Them' because I'm of the opinion that bras are a far enough step and on a gynecomastia forum about our breast acceptance we ought to talk about gynecomastia and our breast acceptance. Yes, I can and do choose what threads to read and which to ignore, often times just based on the author. I hate being lectured even if I do it myself from time to time. Like, well, now but rage quit.

This attitude of 'this is the way it is so shut up you hater' about gender pisses me off. No one knows everything. NO ONE. If some of you keep going off the deep end here you're going to find this forum disappearing. No one needs this. The forum owner certainly doesn't. I'd love to see the group stay on topic but I fear that is a forlorn hope.

Rant off now its rage quit time. No doors to slam. No middle finger to anyone. I find myself deeply saddened and disappointed. Instead of finding friends I found yet another online forum with zero tolerance. And you wonder why the newbies stay so silent.
Well said! 

I have boobs, I don't go to parades, nor wish to use a bathroom I don't belong in. Your statement is well taken by me but unfortunately some want to be in the face zealots expecting the world to bestow special treatment for them. If it isn't given they decry other's opinions while slandering opposing viewpoints. 

"Leave it alone. Be whatever gender you want to be or imagine you can be. But stop requiring everyone else to buy into it."

Offline 42CSurprise!

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...Rant off now its rage quit time. No doors to slam. No middle finger to anyone. I find myself deeply saddened and disappointed. Instead of finding friends I found yet another online forum with zero tolerance. And you wonder why the newbies stay so silent.
Yes, there is definitely toxicity in this thread but frankly, your post is rather opaque, at least beyond the fact you're "deeply saddened and disappointed."  Of course, the fact you haven't chosen to join the website makes it difficult to be concerned about your opinion, whatever it may be.

Perhaps you could help us out by explained which "different thoughts, ideas and beliefs" are being treated poorly.  I have my ideas but as has been said about beauty... it is all in the eye of the beholder.  That, of course, is one of the reasons politics in this country have become so brutal.  Generally, we leave those things at the door when we talk about breasts, but Birdie is one of us... a registered member... and changes in the law are creating hardship in her life.  Some of us are concerned about that... some would rather talk about other things.  Yes, talking about gender is challenging in this day and age, which is especially challenging when we're talking about breasts on men that invariably happen because of diminished testosterone and elevated estrogen... the hormones that define our sexuality.  We're becoming feminized whether we want that or not.  Such a strange world... but it is the one we live in...

Offline 42CSurprise!

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...Well said!

I have boobs, I don't go to parades, nor wish to use a bathroom I don't belong in. Your statement is well taken by me but unfortunately some want to be in the face zealots expecting the world to bestow special treatment for them. If it isn't given they decry other's opinions while slandering opposing viewpoints.

"Leave it alone. Be whatever gender you want to be or imagine you can be. But stop requiring everyone else to buy into it."

I guess you missed the post that started this thread.  Birdie isn't interested in simply being "whatever gender you want to be..."  She is interested in being the gender she actually is and that apparently is so confusing to the rest of the world that they'd rather not talk about it.  Instead they tell her to hide who she is so that they don't have to contend with a reality that messes with their simplistic ideas about the world  A doctor decades ago called her a boy because she has testicles, but she also has a uterus.  And she has been blessed by nature with a curvaceous woman's body with large breasts.  Which bathroom do you think she should enter?  The fact that she had to fight for years to have access to the All Gender bathroom says something about the attitudes she is dealing with.  Personally, I want to support her wish to be treated with respect.  Is that such a terrible thing?

Offline Moobzie

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It's tiresome when someone gets labelled "nazi", or "____-phobe" when expressing a different opinion.

Those who are upset over the results of the past election or divergent opinions defaulted right back to calling everyone they disagree with names.  Very stupid, tedious, rude, and wrong.  Gino and Bluetoo were stating the obvious. 42's response shows why.  Try a bit more courtesy.

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It's tiresome when someone gets labelled "nazi", or "____-phobe" when expressing a different opinion.

Those who are upset over the results of the past election or divergent opinions defaulted right back to calling everyone they disagree with names.  Very stupid, tedious, rude, and wrong.  Gino and Bluetoo were stating the obvious. 42's response shows why.  Try a bit more courtesy.

Nope, nope, nope. If the shoe fits.


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