Author Topic: New to the site? Paw Paw and Grandpa Bambu  (Read 2909 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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If you are new on this site look to what these guys say and take it onboard, they are balanced, experienced etc and what is more they care about you even if they do not know you and they do so with no ego or care for themselves whatsoever.

Two guys who have helped people here for years non stop!

Really nice, kind wonderful guys who offer sage advice!!

Offline Paa_Paw

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And Hypo is an old friend who is greatly missed.

Though not a Medical Professional, He is quite Knowledgeable, specifically regarding Hormones. We do not hear from him very often these days so if you want to benefit from his insight you'll need to do a search and rummage through some older material. The archive goes back several years.

If you have hormonal problems, His old posts are well worth the little time it would take to do the research.

My interest is quite different. Born in 1937, many of you would call me an old man. Like most people, My Gynecomastia came to view when I was 11 or 12. Surgery was crude in those days so I never had it. Living with the condition was my only choice. I've learned that the condition is common and is depicted in ancient art and statuary. The first known use of the word Gynecomastia Dates to the Greek Physician Galen in the second century. 

Concerned about a possible genetic pattern, I found this site when doing research for my grandsons.

I'm sorry to tell you guys but we are all normal. So many people have some degree of Gynecomastia that it has to be considered statistically normal.

What it is, is an embarrassment, and that has not changed in my lifetime. About 20 years ago, several different technologies came together and modern Breast reduction surgery is the result. You in this generation have a real choice.  Think how lucky you are,  Really.

Bambu has his own story to tell and his own reasons for being here.

There were many other contributors to the site that helped to draw us into it as well.

Finally, none of this could have happened without someone to get things started. Merle did that.

What we all have in common is that we all have (or had) Gynecomastia.

You are not alone, we are all in the same boat.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for the kind words Hypo...

Awesome post Dan...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Paa_Paw

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Many times questions arise that need an answer from someone who has had the surgery and is happy with the result.

The usual pattern is that once a man has surgery we never hear from them after their recovery, Unless they are not pleased with the outcome.

Bambu is an exception and his perspective is a true asset to the site.

Truly this is a great age. I have friends such as these whom I have never actually met and who live literally thousands of miles away.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Bambu is an exception and his perspective is a true asset to the site.

Thanks for the kind words Dan. I am not the most 'technically' knowledgeable and sometimes come across very opinionated... However, I only have the wellbeing of others at heart. I get great personal gratification from helping others in 'their' time of need and I am very grateful of being a member of this unique community...

Truly this is a great age. I have friends such as these whom I have never actually met and who live literally thousands of miles away.




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