Author Topic: New surgery needed  (Read 1923 times)

Offline vortex272

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Hello to everyone.
I am a 47 year old chap who had Gynecomastia surgery back in 2012. I had always had a bigger chest with good pecs that I built up even more at the gym. The problem was I also had a reasonable amount of glandular tissue and a little fat sat on top so I was forever getting the "you need a bra" etc etc comments!

I used to brush it aside until about 2007 when I thought- actually there is too much excess tissue there. As per usual, GP was useless as its not a "medical" problem and I am not getting ill from it ( apart from mentally tearing me apart!) I saw a couple of private plastic surgeons who would not operate as they thought it would make it worse, some how!

In 2012, I got an appointment to see a local surgeon at Nuffield, who is a breast surgeon but does gynecomastia surgery as well. He said he could remove the excess tissue so I was chuffed to bits!

At the consultation, he said he would remove the fatty tissue with lipo and small incisions under nipples to remove gland tissue- I was fine with that.

After surgery, he comes and sees me, pleased as punch, saying he used a new device on me that meant he hadn't had to cut under my nipples and that this "cheese grater" device- his words- had removed the gland tissue as well as the fat and wasn't it great that I didn't have any scars under my nipples!
Well, yes but, the trouble was/is I could still feel gland tissue and hardend fat on my chest, after a few weeks . The surgery did apparently remove 100ml from one side and 110 from the other, so my chest was a definite improvement but, I wasn't totally happy as I could still feel the gland and fatty tissue!

I saw the consultant 6 weeks after( and 2 years later as well!) and mentioned this but he was a bit dismissive and said " did his best and I got a good result".

Forward to now and I want to get the gland tissue removed properly- along with any fat that I have there- I seem to have genetics that mean my chest gets fatty/gland tissue on it even though I am in great shape ( 12% bodyfat) and have a keen interest in strength and fitness. My brother has a heavy chest as well but, doesn't bother him  like it does me but it does point towards a family/genetic thing going on.

My "half a job" surgery cost me £3000 back in 2012 and I realise the surgeons mentioned frequently on here are much more expensive now but feel I need to get this sorted as its messing with my life (doesn't help that iam prone to anxiety as well!)

I am waffling a bit but just wanted to get it out but, hoping one of the surgeons can help and put my mind at rest and so I can feel normal again!

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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[font="Open Sans", sans-serif]There are many types of liposuction cannulas on the market, and some have been designed with very sharp edges at the suction holes. It is possible that he used an aggressive type of cannula like that, but in my opinion those still don't remove all of the gland. Direct excision of the gland is still indicated in most cases.[/font][/color]
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline justachange

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Hello there,
If the cost is concerned, here in India you can have the surgery in around 900-1000 pounds with the best medical technology.

Offline L33lme

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U in the uk ??

Offline Sarotly

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I feel you but some of the new car club owner dont try to put money in theres.& thats a fast way to put them out of create alot of car club.

Offline carmovers

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how is your chest now mate i had the same surgery off the same surgeon in 2014. mine looks great but i can still feel some gyno in there so have stayed off the peds.

Offline vortex272

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Just seen this thread i started and, also a reply to above question!

Nearly a year ago (November 2020) i had surgery done again but, this time by a surgeon who would do it properly!
I has Dr. Karidis do the surgery and although it was expensive (over 7k) , the results are great.
If only i had it done by him in the first place!

If i remember right, i had 16g of gland and  16g off fat removed from each side. Not huge amounts but, it made an awesome difference to me as i have particularly muscular pecs, and so any excess small amount of non-muscular tissue made it look worse than it was.

You just would not know i have had surgery as the incisions  healed so well leaving no scars.

Worth every penny!

Offline Andgy

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Hi vortex272,

Great to hear that!

Were you on general anaesthesia? Was it "scary"?

How many incisions were made for each breast? Was the gland removal from the same incision as the fat removal?

Thanks for sharing!

Offline Dr. Cruise

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While it's unfortunate the first surgery didn't yield the results you wanted, if there is residual tissue (glandular and/or fatty), it can be manually excised. Pictures would be helpful to see to provide more insight into what the surgery plan might entail.  
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia


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