Author Topic: Is this normal?  (Read 2831 times)

Offline jay2soul

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I had surgery 3 weeks ago and I believe I had excision and lipo on my chest. A week after surgery my chest looks good, not perfect but you could tell I had surgery and it was much flatter, my nurse said the results were fantastic and took my bandages out and the stitches. I carried on wearing the compression vest for a month and avoiding the gym for 6 weeks, I also wore the vest at night during week 4-6. However my chest seems to have reverted back to normal. Basically I still look like I have moobs, just as before the surgery. I've been drinking alcohol since week 4, does this have any affect on it?

I've read posts where people have said it can take a while to heal but is it normal to have my chest reverting back to the pre-surgery gyno look after 7 weeks?

Sorry I'm just hoping I haven't wasted £4k+

Also has anyone had surgery through Harley Medical before because that's who I had it done through.


Offline cduub

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seems like swelling at this stage because mine was the same,and its not over than you have to deal with scar tissue which is a beast in itself. It coulds take up to six months for things to really settle down so patience will be your best friend.

Offline jay2soul

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Is that how long it took you?

Does your chest look completely normal now?

Offline xelnaga13

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If your initial results immediately after surgery were satisfactory that's a good starting point. For several weeks you may deal with swelling, and then after that you may deal with scar tissue build up. I had gyne surgery twice... both times had excellent immediate results that were ruined a month or so later. The first from gyno regrowth/scar tissue and the 2nd scar tissue.

Regrowth is highly unlikely, mine only regrew because I was still in the middle of puberty during my procedure. Scar tissue is much more likely, and can be treated. I was treated with kenalog shots 5-6 months after my 2nd surgery. It works like a charm. Most of the scar tissue is gone/shrunk.

Offline jay2soul

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Could you tell me what you mean by scar tissue build-up? What happens during the regrowth of that?

Offline xelnaga13

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Speaking about scar tissue only: Some guys get scar tissue after their surgery. I say "build up" because that's the way it appeared for me. Small at first and then progressively larger amounts of scar tissue.

Glandular regrowth is something all together different. That happens when the underlying cause of your gyno is still present, and causes a post surgery return of the condition.

I hope that answered your question. Im not sure if english is a second language for you, but your writing lacks some clarity.

Offline jay2soul

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How will I know if I have scar tissue build-up though?

Offline xelnaga13

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How will I know if I have scar tissue build-up though?

If everything was flat right after surgery you know its most likely not glandular.

Take some solace in the fact that you need to wait it out. Whether its scar tissue, regrowth, or glandular tissue left behind... you still need to wait months and months to have it addressed.

Don't forget scar tissue typically shrinks on it's own as well... so if thats the case it will most likely settle down to some degree.

p.s. Photos may help, if that's within your comfort zone.

Offline jay2soul

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Hi this is the only photo I got of my current state if it helps to see what I'm currently experiencing...


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