Author Topic: Painful Gynecomastia?Anyone else have this?  (Read 3561 times)

Offline nothingworse

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I am a new member to this site, and am greatful there is a site like this out there. Reading many of the posts on this site, I was able to grasp more information on gynecomastia a problem I have had since I was 10. I am now 17 years old and have a painful form of gynecomastia that affects my daily tasks. My gynecomastia is not a severe case but, a painful case. I can lift barely anything using my chest area. I also wake up and my chest is in throbbing pain. I finally went to the doctor last week and he instantly noticed my gynecomastia and referred me to a GP. Over the years I did a lot of excercising, like cardio, weight training, and lost over 20 pounds. I am now 150 pounds at a height of 5'10. I saw the doctor about this 2 years before and he told me to wait a year to make sure it didn't go away on it's own. When I started my job at Ace Hardware my condition got worse. It started to get painful. I couldn't lift the stock bags anymore which only weighed 60-80 pounds each. And, I had to stop weight lifting because of this. My chest is tight but, my nipples stick out about 1 1/4 of an inch, and are always puffy. I just want to get on with my life, and hopefull I can get the surgery done by the end of the summer. I got my hormones checked and they were up to par. I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I don't know if insurance would cover this although it is painful. I don't have the money for the operation but, my parents have good insurance. My parents are both very understanding and have read through a lot of information on gynecomastia. I am just wondering since my condition does involve pain what are the chances insurance will cover this. I want this to be taken care of now because I have a co-op job starting in september and have taken 2 weight lifting classes for next year. I wish everyone else on this forum good luck and thanks to all for sharing experiences


Offline Paa_Paw

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As with girls, when our breasts are actually growing they can be painful.

The breasts of boys and girls are essentially the same before puberty, meaning that they have the same supply of nerves etc.  As adults, there is not much reason why a mans breasts should be any less sensitive than a womans breasts.

Notice that I said sensitive, not tender or painful.

Severe tenderness or pain in the breasts should be investigated by a Doctor without delay.

The Gland often referred to in these pages are actually milk producing glands and ducts.  If a person is far from a large medical center and the services of an Endocrinologist, There is an alternative though many men would be too embarassed to go there.  And who might that be? - -   A Gynecologist.  They know more about the breast than just about anyone else.
Grandpa Dan

Offline nothingworse

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I went to the doctor last week and he reffered me to the GP specialist. But, my appointments on July 19, and school starts back up September 1st. This is really running close. I am still wondering if insurance would cover this surgery since it involves pain. I know I am done growing and the doctor checked my hormones and testies for lumps. My hormones were up to par. I only have maybe an inch to grow tops. I just am wondering if the insurance would cover this. I want to have a good school and get on with my life next year. I don't think I can wait another year. I've waited almost 7 years which I think is long enough. Does anyone have any idea if insurance would cover this? If so please let me know.


Offline Paa_Paw

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It is not impossible to get insurance coverage for the surgery,  but it is very difficult.  Usually, some sort of medical need is needed and this can be difficult to prove.

The services of both an Endocrinologist and a Psychologist can be helpful.  The Endo would be able to indicate whether you are sufficiently mature that ther is little chance eithr of self resolution or regrowth.  The Psychologist would be able to go into the emotional effects, whether you have realistic expectations of the surgical outcome etc.


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