Author Topic: Paranoid about new gyno possibility, read this  (Read 12590 times)

Offline CROWNZ

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avillax its no site and no fantasy, its a fact, look i can make u belive me real easy guy, i want u to do this so u can notice the change if u got a girl or got no girl masterbate 2 times a day for a whole week, then come back to me i wanna see what u have to say then. I im telling u to do it twice a day for a whole week so u can see the change in ur hairs thickness and the amount that falls out. The more testosterone u have the hairyer u are

ejaculation burns testosterone into dht , which will make ur hair thin till it falls out.

dht is bad and good hormone, reason why its good it keeps testosterone from turning into estrogen once testosterone has been burn due to ejaculation and sexual intercourse.

those pills to prevent hair loss what they do is to try to lower the hormone level of dht in ur body the way it does it is by attackin the dht and transforming it into estrogen, like i said why do u think some of there customers get gynecomastia, because there having more estrogen in there body, forget the pills, get ur freak on, and if u dont want ur hair to fall out just hold back and dont ejaculate but get ur freak on, how many more times do i have to explain this to this hard headed guy avillax, there nothing else to say its a fact

Offline avillax

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Your article doesn't mention anything about losing hair from ejaculating.

Offline CROWNZ

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avillax.....guy, i know it does not, do the test, this is what i want u to do so u can notice, shave ur head, once u have shaved ur head i want u to ejaculate 2 times a day for 7 days str8 and run ur hand thru ur head every day that ur doing this, then after the 7 days have passed i want u to not ejaculate for the next 2 weeks and run ur hands thru ur head after 2 weeks of not ejaculating and days after teh 2 weeks with out ejaculating and tell me if ur losing hair u will see ur not, and there is not site that talks about this, u just dont get it i see getting balder and balder as the months and years pass by, u can take those pills but if u dont stop whats making u go bald u wont grow no hair or stop losing hair, u wanna look young, have hair, stay strong, have more personalaty, and have a strong erection then dont ejaculate hold back, bakc the the start, do the test for ur self its the only way u gonna belive me, look man im tired of telling u this , just forget it , ejaculate allllllllllllllllllllll u want, take allllllllllllllll ur pills i dont really care get bald , u got the answer to ur problem and u dont belive it so peace

Offline CROWNZ

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avillax.......ok here i am ok to shut u down make ur mouth out of order.....check it out for ur self

Offline CROWNZ

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oooohhhhhh lord, here we go agian, everything has been, done and explain , case close

Offline Hypo-is-here

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oooohhhhhh lord, here we go agian, everything has been, done and explain , case close

You have made some of the most truly bizarre and incorrect comments regarding endocrinology that I have ever seen on this website.  

I am not getting into any level of detail with you as to why that is so- never mind discussing the bigger picture because like your comments I find you truly bizarre (if you dance with a chimney sweep you have to be prepared to get dirty- I am not getting dirty- I have done that too many times and am trying to learn as I age).

Try talking to a decent endocrinologist who understands reproductive endocrinology; alternatively try reading serious endocrine sources instead of insulating yourself with silly source material.  


In anticipation of any annoyance, A) it is not personal and B) I cannot say anything more compelling than that already said- so I am out..

« Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 05:26:27 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline avillax

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Your herbal site is probably selling a cure for "ejaculation causing hairloss".

It doesn't reveal where they got their information, etc. They also mention excess ejaculation, so unless this site is telling the truth (which is not), and unless you ejaculate several times a day (which most people don't), then I guess everyone is fine.

You know CROWNZ, I read that if you replace your shampoo with your own semen, you hair grows backs and really thick!.  I haven't tried it though......maybe you should and then tell us how it goes.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 08:04:33 PM by avillax »

Offline CROWNZ

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ok here we go agian and agian and agian avillax << guy, i did not get my info from the website, u asked for a site so i found some sites that talked about it.

asmallmeasureofpeace <<< guy, the site does not say nothing about herbs, and u say ((((its these stupid herbalists who think a few herbs can cure gyne. Stupid or what)))).  remember also theres even some guys that get sergury and still does not cure them, now the article is provided by Mitchell McNiff, M.D. and is only reviewed by herblove it states it clearly on the top before u start reading the article

u guys make me luagh........listen to ur teacher students lol, u guys are not gonna win lol lol because its all 100% TRUE HARD CONCRETE FACT

Offline MRD

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Crownz your theory of guys going bald because they ejaculate is interesting....and also one of the stupidest things i ever heard  :D

Offline CROWNZ

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everything i said is stupid, ignore it, laters

Offline john_loren

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Probably just a religious fanatic  :o

Offline CROWNZ

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ok my man avillax is age what?? 23, lets find out a little of him to see why is going bald, so lets talk. avillax tell us at what age did u first masterbate and also ur first sexual intercourse?? now then after that how many times could u say u masterbated and also had sexual intercourse, could u say more than normal, yesssssssssssssssss , dont be shy to spit out the truth because u know its true guy, u just dont want to beligve that its that , that is doing it, but oh well keep on not thinking that its u ejaculating to much and to u other knuckle heads if u aint going bald quite being stupid and let this guy know the truth

Offline flex1appeal

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Crownz, sorry to tell you this but you are the biggest ass clown bar none! How old are you and what educational background do you have? Or are you just in the habit of reading stupid forums and websites and believing every word you read? For your information, I have a BS in Exercise Physiology and studied everything about the human anatomy from accredited professors. Stop calling yourself a teacher cause it's a huge joke! I jerk off sometimes 3 times a day AND have sex at least 4-6 times per week. Sometimes more if I am lucky. I am not even close to balding. By your unsupported theory, I should have been bald 10 years ago. I am 34 going on 35 now. What a crock of shit. How about drinking a cup of shut the darn up!


Offline avillax

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Ok reverend CLOWNZ, my member is ready to spit out the white truth in your face.


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