Author Topic: Please Help  (Read 2052 times)

Offline x.brandon.x

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Hi Everyone! So Im 18 Years Old.. I Got Overweight as a teen and devoloped man boobs and a hard spot under my left nipple.. as time went on so did the spot.. im still left with a puffy left nipple.. but im aware that gynecomastia can dissappear after puberty.. i still have the boobs.. they just feel like fat, nothing else.. im not that much overweight.. so its turned into pseudogynecomastia right? bringing my body fat down and TONING my pecs should resolve this im told.. ur advice?

Offline Mr_Nip

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  • Had expensive surgery... Now I'm flat busted! its turned into pseudogynecomastia right? bringing my body fat down and TONING my pecs should resolve this im told.. ur advice?

Just because you can't feel a defined hard gland spot doesn't mean you don't have it.  The gland tissue can intermingle with fat and still form breasts and puff out the areolas. 

It's always a good idea to bring down your body fat to a healthy level, and getting in shape is good, too, but there's no guarantee you'll get rid of the gynecomastia by doing so.  You just can't get rid of that gland by diet and exercise, and you can't choose what area you lose body fat from.  I used to diet periodically and lose a lot of fat but still couldn't get rid of the gyne. 

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