Author Topic: Please help!  (Read 2906 times)

Offline Bjork_RuLeS

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I know this topic has prolly been beaten to death... but, i'm gunna talk about it anywayz :P. I'm 15 yrs old now, and i think i have had gyne for about 2 years. I don't have any breast development at all, i just have what i come to known as "puffy nipples". I do notice something hard behind them, and its pretty embarassing. I'm about 6'3, and weigh 165lbs. I am in great shape, as i play many sports, work out, etc. I never really had a problem with them until my ex-gf began to criticize/joke about them. Now i am very self-conscience about them. I know i know, i shouldn't let some comment like that effect me, but it has, and its crushed me. I'm too afraid to take my shirt off in public, and even around my house. I'm starting to loose my tan :( . Its weird tho, whenver i get out of the shower, or if its really cold or what not, my nipples shrink back down to regular size. If any of you are actually still reading this, lol, i guess my question is --- is this normal? i mean sure, i've read about those statistics that 4/10 guys experience it, but NO ONE else at my school that i've noticed has anything like i have. Is there any herbal/supplements i can take to get rid of them? because its clearly not a weight issue as i am in great shape and i know my parents won't pay for surgery... lol.

Thanks in advance  ;D

Offline colinosmar

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If i just had the puffy nipples problem, it would be great.  As you listed your figures and said your athletic, chances are the rest of your bodys fine, if you dont want to go through surgery (financial reasons, personal reasons whatever) then theres not all that much you can do.  Theres some pills you can get tested for at an endocrinologist, and you can try andractim.  About the tan try using a tanning bed, you said you work out,  my gym supplies them for unlimited use at 20$ a mth which ive taken advantage off.  But anyway to answer your question yea a fair amount of guys have the puffy nipple thing, and your not going to notice it because theyre trying to hide it just like you, like you said the only person to comment on it was someone who had seen you intimately, not many guys at school probably know the status of your chest.  You can see if your surgery is covered for you, mine is and im taking advantage of that as soon as possible, waiting on funding approval from OHIP then booking surgery date ASAP, but either way surgery is really the only course for the problem in my opinon.  Its the only path that offers a full solution.  Hope ive been able to help a bit.

Offline Bjork_RuLeS

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First of all, just like to thank you guys for the quick response, thats great  ;D

i know i'm making a big deal out of it. I've noticed it since i've started getting it, but i never really made a big deal out of it because no one else mentioned anything until her.... i wish she knew how much she's hurt me.. oh well, thats a different subject :P I'm almost too embarassed to even go to the doctors now... i know this may be asking much, but is there anything you guys can suggest to get over these stupid psych problems?


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If i just had the puffy nipples problem, it would be great.  As you listed your figures and said your athletic, chances are the rest of your bodys fine, if you dont want to go through surgery (financial reasons, personal reasons whatever) then theres not all that much you can do.  Theres some pills you can get tested for at an endocrinologist, and you can try andractim.  About the tan try using a tanning bed, you said you work out,  my gym supplies them for unlimited use at 20$ a mth which ive taken advantage off.  But anyway to answer your question yea a fair amount of guys have the puffy nipple thing, and your not going to notice it because theyre trying to hide it just like you, like you said the only person to comment on it was someone who had seen you intimately, not many guys at school probably know the status of your chest.  You can see if your surgery is covered for you, mine is and im taking advantage of that as soon as possible, waiting on funding approval from OHIP then booking surgery date ASAP, but either way surgery is really the only course for the problem in my opinon.  Its the only path that offers a full solution.  Hope ive been able to help a bit.

The problem is the the term puffy nipples is a phrase that mean so many different things to so many different people.  Words just do not convey the actual problem very well - images do a little better, but still are not the same as an actual in office evaluation with your doctor.

Putting up pictures (using standard views before and after surgery) is one way to discuss what the problem was before surgery and what has happened.   Options depend on what is really going on.

Let us try to look what I mean by the problem of the words only descriptions.  "Large nips", "puffy nipples," "puffed nipples,"  and "puffy nips" are a common terms many give to a problem that extends to the region about the areola.   The nipple is actually the central raised structure inside the pigmented areola.

"Puffed nipples" can be a problem for some that involves long nipples above the areola where nipple reduction alone helps.

"Puffy Nipps" can be a problem behind the areola that can take many forms.  The deformity is usually a varying combination of fat and gland.  The gland can be firm or soft, spread through fat, or be a condensed mass.  There is a thin muscle under the areola skin that can flatten tissue when stimulated. Unfortunately it is impractical to keep stimulating these muscles.

In many of these patients with "puffy nipples," there was no firm tissue under the areola, just fat and soft gland.  Here is one example of puffy nipples in a muscular male.  Here is another example of   puffed nipples.  Here is another patient with puffy nipple gynecomastia.

"Puffy Nipples" can also be a combination of gynecomastia and big nipples.  

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Bjork_RuLeS

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I'll try and get some pics up asap. But i have the same structure as the first example minus the "breast" look. I have a very "normal" pectoral muscle but i just have the portruding "puffy nipple" its about 0.5cm-1cm in width, and not too wide -- doesn't look to abnormal since i have fairly big pectorals. Do these symptoms usually go away over time? And is there a certain age when i should really start getting worries? 17-18?

Offline Allan7865

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I have the same thing... the important question is: Is it noticable through a T-Shirt?

And you never know if your parents will pay for it? Would they get you glases if you had bad vision? Would they get you braces if you had crooked teeth? Why should this be diffrent?

Offline Bjork_RuLeS

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I have been able to notice it more and more now since i've become more self-conscience of it. I'm prolly just blowing it out of proportion. And yes i know my parents won't pay for it --- we're not the wealthiest family and they would prolly just say "it doesn't look back, hardly anyone can notice it" etc.

Thanks for the responses by the way :D its nice to know i'm not the only one with this problem... :D

Offline Vanatu

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You wouldn't happen to be from iceland, because of the nickname  ;D

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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If i just had the puffy nipples problem, it would be great.

Dude.....   I'm sure the psychological pain is the same with puffies as that of full-blown breasts.....  :(


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I have been able to notice it more and more now since i've become more self-conscience of it. I'm prolly just blowing it out of proportion. And yes i know my parents won't pay for it --- we're not the wealthiest family and they would prolly just say "it doesn't look bad, hardly anyone can notice it" etc.

I would take a guess that most people don't even care if a guy has puffies. However, it only takes that one person (your GF in your case), to start the ball rolling and make you self-conscious about the condition. Your parents would prolly be right in saying "It doesn't look that bad", to them.


your parents don't have to live in your body, you do. If you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, then life can get/seem very miserable. Unfortunately, we live in a 'looks is everything' society and when we have a physical deformity/defect, we can feel great pressure/stress as a result of such deformity. Nobody likes to be made fun of, singled out, teased, taunted, laughed at, stared at, grabbed at, shunned, rejected, etc.... Well, for many, that's life with Gynecomastia. Sit down with your parents, explain to them the psychological trauma that you are experiencing. Make them understand that your puffy areolas cause you a great deal of psychological pain. I wish I had discussed my Gyne with my parents when I was young. However, that's in the past now....

Sure, some people would say, "you're only 15....  why don't you wait a few years to see if it goes away". Easier said than done huh? Knowing what I know now, I wish I had the surgery when I was 10 years old when my Gyne first appeared. 31 years (11,315 days) of stress/anxiety filled days. I would not wish that on anyone! It was brutal....  :-/

Anyways, I'm rambling one here....  Sorry....   :-[

It's nice to know i'm not the only one with this problem... :D

Yeah, kinda takes the pressure off huh.... being able to talk to others about it....  ;)

« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 02:44:13 PM by Bambu »

Offline Bjork_RuLeS

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Yea, thanks for the help guys. I think i'm finally starting to get over it. But i just had one question. do puffies usually go away? or is it one of those things thats there to stay unless i get surgery? And no, i'm not from iceland :P i just love bjork. such a passionate, insightful, inspiring artist.

Thanks again for the responses guys, i'm starting to love you all :P

Offline Paa_Paw

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At the age of 15, there is a very good chance that it will "go away."

The best indicator would be family history.  Chances are that the men in one or both parents families had the condition in their youth.  If the condition resolved itself for them, you should expect similar results yourself.  Though the process could be slow.

You mentioned that it was brought to your attention by your Ex Girl Friend.  Keep in mind that she is your Ex for a good set of reasons, and a cruel/mean streak is probably part of the reason. Don't allow what she said to continue to hurt you.
Grandpa Dan


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