Author Topic: posture and gyne  (Read 3153 times)

Offline berettagtz

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I get questions and comments about my posture all the time.  I tend to slightly bend forward including my neck and my head (kinda like an old person).  A lot of times people would say that I do that because I am so tall (6'4').  And I think the real reason is because I have gyne. 
What about everyone else on this forum?  Do you have a normal posture or is it kinda like mine?

Offline scope

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You're right... I'm not that tall though (6') but when I had gyne I had to lower my posture otherwise my gyne would stick out. It sucked, because everyone thought I did that because I can't stand straight. Now that it's gone I have no trouble standing straight :)

Offline ajax6

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I'm 6'4" as well, and I too have always had poor posture attributable to gynecomastia.  It's gotten to the point where I don't even know how to stand up straight. 

Do you know of any excercises or anything that might help or have helped you?

Offline berettagtz

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I haven't really tried any exercises, but after I fix my gyne problem I will work on it.
I am 21 now and I plan on getting a surgery as soon as I finish with school (two more years).  Then, I will definitely look for some exercises to fix my posture.  Do you think it would be hard to make it a habit of having a straight posture?  I can straighten up now, but after a while it hurts. 

Offline dcvet

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Working on your abs and lower back will greatly improve your posture with noticable differences in as little as a couple of weeks.  Try crunches for your abs and hyper extensions for your lower back to start off.

Offline ajax6

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No, I don't think it would be difficult at all!  From what I've read, it's really just a matter of training your muscles to act differently.  ...since I'm used to wearing tight-a$$ undershirts and living in shame, I wouldn't be able to speak from experience, but I'll let you know in a few weeks?


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