Hi all,
First post so bear with me. Also written on the wife's iPad so please forgive me if the spell checker does odd things
I'm 38 years old, 75 kg, reasonably fit. I used to do a lot of intense exercise when I was in my 20s such as Kung fu, strenuous exercising etc. I had almost no fat and a large muscular pectoral region.
Since meeting my wife some 7 years ago I almost stopped exercising and as a result much of the muscle seems to have disappeared and turned to fat. I am by no mean overweight, I'm still pretty skinny and have a 36 inch waist.
As a child I had us descended testicles which were not resolved with surgery until I was 4 or 5 years old. By all account back in the late 70s that was early surgery as they used to do it on 12 year olds. By today's standards it is late as they do the surgery much earlier now. I read that undescended testicles can increase the risk of hypogonadism etc or gynecomastia.
Anyway back to the present. I seem to have puffy nipples and also a puffy chest. Really it feels like my chest is made up of marshmallows or something. I do feel my chest tingling sometimes and when I walk I feel a strange sensation around the ends of my nipples like it is kind of tugging or a bit like kids jelly you used to eat as a youngster at birthday parties etc...very strange sensation.
Other times my chest feels harder or firmer so the sensation does change. The size of my chest I have no idea. I can cup my chest using my hands and seem to fill my hands.
If I look into the mirror straight on profile with my back ram rod straight I can just make out a small creases under each breast, if I slouch slightly in my normal posture it is much more noticeable. From a side profile my chest does seem to have a feminine aspect. I can't wear just one shirt anymore and my chest does not quite seem so normal....what ever normal means, my nipples are very noticeable and I'm starting to see either side of my chest more pronounced than in between my chest. I'm guessing i have type 2 gynecomastia, probably not a type 3 yet.
Yesterday I saw the GP about it and they are running a blood test for prolactine, testesterine, estrogen etc...should know the results of that next week. I want to rule out any serious medical conditions,
Diet wise I eat pretty normally, the wife is Chinese so I eat a lot of Chinese food, stir fries etc...we eat mainly vegetarian but I do eat chicken and steaks occasionally. My wife probably over feeds me and I have started a diet and exercise to bring my weight down from 80 kegs to 75 kgs
Going back to the chest, I also get an aching sensation in my chest is this normal?
Anyway enough from me for the time being, just wanted to introduce myself.