Author Topic: Qucik Question: diff between fat and gland?  (Read 2479 times)

Offline makesmesad

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Hi. im 17 years old and have had male breasts for some time now.

I am overweight - 6'', 250 pounds, and fat. my male breasts stick out almost as far as my stomach - my nipples are pushed out, and i can feel a ring of hardness when i feel my breast (pushing my finger into my nipple and feeling the outside)

it feels like i have a ring of hard fat there, or something.

Im at a loss. i recently started a weight loss regigm (sp) and im simply afraid ill lose my gut, but my man boobs will stay. they hurt me more then nayone can ever know. i havnt taken my shirt off in public for probably 3 years, and have lived with this for close to 5.

what are the signs for gland and fat? how can i tell what it is? raising the question with my parents brought them to simply say ''keep running'' and stupid crap like this. i dont know what to do any more. apparently OHIP covers it if your under 18 (if its gland? i think, or something) but ill be 18 soon (july) and i dont think i can get surgery before then, nor can i foot a 1500$ bill while going to college.

what can i do? and how can i tell what i have?

Offline Spleen

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Offline Blaze-T

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  • Op on Friday 13th May 2005....
Definately sounds like gyne to me.


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