Author Topic: Question about fat burner, caffeine, etc…  (Read 2578 times)

Offline imready

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I recently had my surgery and don’t want to jeopardize my results by taking supplements that may cause it to come back. I’m almost three weeks post-op, excision (nickel sized marbles from each side) and a little lipo (40cc each side) and have been doing cardio and plan on starting with weights in a week or so. I like taking some kind of fat burner or drinking a plain iced coffee before I train mainly for the energy boost. Now that the surgery is completed I don’t want to take any chances in it coming back with supplements such as fat burners or caffeine. Is there any evidence that these supplements cause gyne? 

Thanks a lot, 

Offline tunapuff

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I don't believe so, but I would just go with some green tea not caffene pills.

Offline Bolognianips

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Caffeine won't cause your gyne to come back, but you might want to avoid it, and allow your body to heal naturally.  Caffeine, and similar stimulants will effect your circulation.


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