Author Topic: A question for Hypo or anyone knowledgeable  (Read 3117 times)

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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I was wondering if anyone knew of any good pre-op endocrinologists to visit in Saint John's Newfoundland? I went to an endocrinologist before my last surgery who basically noted that I had male genetalia and brushed everything else off as "fine". I'm hoping to find someone worth my time for this round and I have been having trouble finding any online.

I want to know of some before going to a GP, because I have just had too many frustrating experiences with GP's trying to send me to worthless specialists. Also, what type of endo is best for gyne?

Thanks for your time
May ye' spend half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you're dead.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I won’t be able to get anyone in terms of a personal recommendation, but I might be able to get one or even a list of endocrinologist who might be able to help in or near your area if you are more specific.

Sorry for my ignorance on your location but I am from the UK and I do not recognise where you are from your currant description.

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Oh, sorry about that Hypo, for some reason I thought you lived in Canada. Newfoundland is the easternmost province of Canada, and Saint John's is its largest city (though smaller by North American standards). There is also a city named "Saint John" in the province of New Brunswick, without the posessive, just in case that got confusing.

I only asked you specifically because I read another thread where you gave a lad some endo listings. Don't bother if it's a hassle.

Thanks for your time.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Quebec is not near you, but it is somewhere that lists a few endocrinologists that state an interest in reproductive endocrinology.  

I cannot say for a fact that there in not someone nearer with such interest, if there is then you might want to go and see them.  I have found these and you might be able to travel to meet one of them or they might be able to recommend someone nearer.  I think they should be able to help one way or another.

My time is irrelevant, I did my best to help you and that could not be a hassle.  

Maria Garrido, MD
15 Demoncel
Beauport, Quebec, G1E5M8
Phone: (418) 661-2123
Interest Areas:
   Diabetes Mellitus
   General Endocrinology and Metabolism
   Reproductive Endocrinology
Nicole Michon, MD
Ste. Justines Hospital
3175 Cote Ste. Catherine
Montreal, Quebec, H3TIC5
Interest Areas:
   Diabetes Mellitus
   Disease of Pregnancy
   Reproductive Endocrinology
   Thyroid Dysfunction
Marie-Pierrette Pono Ntyonga, MD
584, 23e Avenue, Appt 1
Montreal, Quebec, H8S 3V2
Phone: (514) 637-9445
Interest Areas:
   Diabetes Mellitus
   General Endocrinology and Metabolism
   Reproductive Endocrinology
   Thyroid Dysfunction

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Thanks for the response Hypo. Yeah I looked into it and couldn't find any qualified endos in St John's. However I did find some in Nova Scotia, which is slightly closer than Quebec. I also wonder how many endo's in Quebec would speak fluent English..

One was described as being specialized in..."metabolic bone disease, male reproduction
Clinical Practice Interest: diabetes mellitus/metabolism, hypertension"

And the other was... "Clinical Practice Interest: pituitary disorders, reproductive endocrinology, general endocrinology & metabolism"

I imagine either of those would work, am I correct? Also, does anyone have a link or info on the general questions I should go in with? Or tests I should ask to be done? I don't want to have to make this trip twice, thanks.

Offline spaceace

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I'm seeing an Andrologist in Ontario who is having me do an assortment of tests, including blood, urine, and saliva.  It seems like a real thorough investigation of my hormones.  One of the companies conducting the test, Rocky Mountain Analytical, is Canadian.

From visiting their website and searching through providers, I found a few listings in St. John's, NL:

Patricia Downton, RN (709) 722-6336 St John's NL
Gordon Higgins, MD (709) 753-8883 St. John's NL
Mary Ryan, RN 709-726-0126 St. John's NL

Only one, as you can see, is an MD and who will be covered by OHIP.  I'm not sure what RN stands for or if visits to their office are covered by OHIP.  It’s worth a call to at least one, though.  I would also try to get recommendations for endocrinologists, especially from Gordon Higgins in case he turns out to be not suitable for your needs.  

Good luck,

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Thanks for the info Andrew, let me know how your experience goes after you look into it.

Does anyone know if an "andrologist" is as useful for testing all things related to gyne?


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