Author Topic: Rant...people who actually point it out  (Read 1586 times)

Offline BostonGuy83

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And, here, I'm not talking about the bullies who do it out of meanness.  I'm talking about those who do it out of sheer stupidity.  People who will point it out in casual conversation, as if they have no clue how inappropriate it is to do so.  Like, this one time I was visiting a friend at his apartment, and his roommate asked me if I were male or female, so I answered correctly; the roommate then stated his confusion and cited "the breasts" as one reason.  I was thinking, "What the f---?    You idiot!!!"  How ignorant can someone be, not to know how utterly WRONG it is to point something like this out?  Even to that person alone, let alone in the presence of others!  If we need it pointed out, we are MORE than capable of doing so ourselves, in the contexts that we deem most appropriate!

My questions are simple:
What is these people's damage?
Do others here sympathize with this sentiment?

Offline nothingworse

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BostonGuy83 I hear ya. Even best of friends can be a**es about it. I can't believe how my friends taunted me for years about mine to the point where I almost pended suicide and it made me the partially depressed person I am today. People at school making fun of me up until 10th grade from back to 4th grade. It is just amazing and ridiculous. People like to point out peoples obvious flaws and try to bring them down. True friends are ones that don't make nasty comments and are honest and there when you need them. They are just trying to bring you down so they make themselves look superior to you. That sucks that crap has happened to you anyways. I know it has happened to at least 99% of the people on this board so you are not alone. But, friends and roomates and just random people can be total a**es about these things. And why they point them out I don't really know. Thats just the way our society is everybody wants perfection and someone thats on top. Only too many times i have heard many women say on t.v. and other places I like a guy with great pecs. Well if its that girl and you don't have that they will most likely spring that upon you. All my friends were pretty much flat chested or had pretty nice bodies in general and taunted me to literal death about my breasts and unperfect body. It just eats you up inside. I can totally agree with what you are saying a guy with breasts is not very well accepted as normal in todays society. But, lets say for example you have a beer gut, well a lot of people like to eat and drink and have an extra belly so noone looks real differently at that. But, when it comes to a guy with breasts people go WHAT??? Thats not correct why does he have those or he must be a real weak or messed up person walking around with those. Or how can he be so confident with those. And by having those they have a thing to bring you down with. If you didn't have those then they would say your face is ugly or what a fagget or something else that has nothing to do with anything. Just plain and simple people talk behind peoples backs and these days in society people don't care what they say to you. People are just so bold. I couldn't believe it either when I had my best of friends saying the most disgusting comments I have ever heard right in front of my face about my chest. They just have no limits and really don't care. Heres my answer I have breasts, I am going to do something about them, I am a good person, I don't rip on you and point out every inperfection, everyones different, what if you had these, I gaurantee things wouldn't be the same and all in all having small breasts has made me a stronger and more accepting person although they affect my everyday life and am soon taking care of them. I remember when I used to make fun of my sister with my friends for being fat and sometimes my friends would go straight up to her and say the meanest things. Guess what I look back on that now and hate my own guts for what I said and appoligized and straightened out my friends for what we did to her. I would never do that again and never to any other person either. I hate the feeling, she hated the feeling, now I feel sick inside. Why do we do the things we do? I just wish society was more accepting like they were back in the 50s were body wasnt everything and just succeding in life and having family was important and being yourself. Remember to be yourself is all that you can do. I can't hate myself for who I am and why should people hate me or you just because we have breasts I know they are difficult to live with but, living with them for years has changed me but, I am still getting them removed to live a happier life. It just sucks and sorry to say nothing will change in society probably for a long time. Anything these days is possible. Good luck to you and again I am sorry to hear you had to endure this crap. It is just plain and simply wrong.


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