Author Topic: 4 weeks post op, not yet satisfied.  (Read 4068 times)

Offline roflcopter

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They do look a lot better, that's for sure. I keep trying to tell myself the swelling will go down. I don't know. I try not to think about it too much. I still feel the same as I did before the surgery, the same hang-ups, still wearing multiple layers, keep my shirt on, etc, you know the routine. Nothing has really changed. I try to think positive and stay strong, dealed with it for so long already the hard part can't get any harder. I was expecting to look like any normal person's chest post op I guess, it's still not normal. MY family thinks I am crazy for not being happy they say it looks way better than before which it does but I know they just say that to make me feel good. It's not a normal chest. Better yeah, how I wanted, no.

A little history, I remember since about 5th grade always wearing a sweatshirt to cover up my man boobs. I thought it was just because I was kinda fat. Well fast forward to October 2005. I am completely sick of having boobs, it's the first thing people notice, not my stomach. I turned my life around, I started working out every single day, obsessively and no one could believe it. Every single day. I was 5'8, 207 at my peak. After I got down to about 175, I knew something was up. My chest was still huge, but no stomach wasn't so much. All the time working out I had an image of having "the perfect body" it was what I looked forward too, I loved working out. Having an awesome body was my dream for a full year. I see myself as a very good looking person as well. In the summer of 2006 I finally saw a doctor after telling my parents about it. The soonest I could have the OP done was 2 days before school started, the choice was take a semester off and get it or wait til Thanksgiving break. I waited. Basically 6 months of waiting on this with in my mind the whole time looking perfect with my shirt off. Here are the results 28 days post OP. (Pic actually looks quite a bit better than when I look in the mirror)

The dreaming for a full year of walking around with my shirt off having the ladies stare, the guys wishing they looked like me..... reality has kicked in, not going to happen. Good looking guy, good shape (still a small amount of excess fat, workin on it)....... man boobs. Wow. I am down to 169 now, trying to get myself to believe that I will look normal when I lose the rest of the small amount of fat I have. Lost 6 pounds since surgery actually, probably most muscle though. I seriously look fat with clothes on. Not sure what else to say really, just wanted to vent a bit and get a few resposes and this seems like a good place for it.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 05:15:06 AM by roflcopter »

Offline wolfman

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its difficult to say in that pic but i think your chest look great
i finally feel like im a man

Offline elderkid

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Our mirror image is never true as a mirror turns our image inside out.  If you look in the mirror your reflection will show the left side of your chest on the opposite side of your body.  I wrote a more detailed explanation of this on the 'loss of muscle thread'.

169 lbs is still  slightly high body fat for a short guy of only 5ft 8ins.  169 is my ideal weight - i am 6ft.  Your body mass is 57th percentile or 25.7 = overwieght.  You may well benefit from losing a bit more weight.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 02:01:09 PM by elderkid »

Offline flex1appeal

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Maybe another picture head on will help but from what I can see you look fine to me bro! We are our own worst critics. Never judge what you look like in the mirror. The mirror lies. Photos don't. What you see in the photo is a true representation of what you look like.

Offline manic91m9

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that photo doesnt realy show what you are talking about. use a propper camera not a camera phone.

Offline imready

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did you have lipo or excision?

Offline tobetrue

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Looks good to me.  Who did you go to?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It's not a normal chest. Better yeah, how I wanted, no.

Dude....   That's why you have to have 'Realistic Expectations' of GRS. PS's are not Wizards, they cannot give you the 'Perfect' chest. When you have GRS, you should be expecting an 'improvement', not 'perfection', as you will not attain that 'perfect' chest my friend.

From looking at your pic, I'd say that you have a chest that you can have a 'manageable' life.

Can you post more pics at different angles...

« Last Edit: December 30, 2006, 01:04:45 PM by Grandpa Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Normal can mean different things to different people.

Ones 'ideal' is a much better word than 'normal'. After all, what is 'normal'? There is no 'normal'  We are all very different. With the exception of identical twins, not one human being is the same. It's just that the beach bound muscle head with the dime sized areolas is what many people consider the ideal. Not the norm, just the ideal.



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