Author Topic: Bowflex  (Read 3252 times)

Offline Star_Ruler

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Hello, I have one of these The Bowflex Revolution. As I am about 40lbs overweight, will I be able to use this to get in shape, (lose weight) and can I use it to get rid of my gynecomastia? Thanks.

Offline xmeout

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Sorry. No you can exercise it away

Offline Star_Ruler

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i cant exercise it away? so the only option is surgery?

Offline merle

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If you have had it more than 6 months, yes surgery is the only answer. You should lose the weight before surgery to get the best outcome.


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Offline Star_Ruler

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if  i lose the weight will my chest look better at least? i know it wont all go away but at least will it go down? because right now it looks really messed up.  :-[ :( :'(

Offline manic91m9

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in every case i have seen a fit person with gland looks better than an unfit person with gland. unsure about how good a bowflex is  but anything that gets your heart rate up for half an hour or so a day will certainly have a good effect on weight loss.

Offline Star_Ruler

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well that sucks. apparently if i lose weight it will reduce but i will still need surgery. I dont have any money for surgery now. My parents arent together...  :'( :'( :'( This is true Hell.

Offline skyhawk

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I have witnessed many weight loss postings on this site. One gut lost 100 lbs. The gyne was still 100% there but it hung different with the weight loss.

On the other side of the coin I did see one guy slightly improve his appearance with a strict diet. just one guy though.

I have heard a guy complain that losing weight just made it appear to stick out more as he lost weight around his mid section and the gyne remained the same. By contrast it looked worse.

Many guys have stated that working out the pec muscles just pushes the gyne further out.

Bottom line: I have been around on this board long enough to say that I have never witnessed anyone get rid of it thru strict exercise and diet. Start saving for surgery. Where do you live?

Offline Star_Ruler

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in USA, Maryland. So even if i lose all the weight and return to normal form, nothing around my chest area will be lost? If thats the case then thats really bad

Offline manic91m9

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in USA, Maryland. So even if i lose all the weight and return to normal form, nothing around my chest area will be lost? If thats the case then thats really bad

even if you have a mostly glandular case (which you should be able to tell by feel) if you lose a significant amount of weight then it will make a difference to the way your chest looks.
there is only one way to tell for sure if losing weight will improve the way your chest looks so i strongly suggest you try it. for me losing weight made my gyne less noticeable as i only had a minor amount of gland but the surrounding fat accentuated it.

Offline snuffy

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Bowflexs are great, but what you eat and when you eat it are more important.  Eat only whole grain breads.  Eat your carbohydrates early in the day.  Don't drink soda pop or consume alcohol.  Eat lots of high quality protein like salmon.  I managed a gym for years and I've seen thousands of people who think they can eat something like cheesecake or drink a case of beer and then burn it off by doing an extra 50 sit ups or running an extra mile.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  The vast majority of the energy in the food you eat goes to keeping your heart beating and your lungs pumping.  You can NEVER exercise enough to burn off enough calories to overcome eating junk food.  I would recommend Sylvester Stallone's book  "Sly Moves" for an in depth discussion of eating right and exercising and the psychology behind changing your body shape.  Sly even has a one day a week cheat day built into his nutrition program.  Nobody can eat perfectly all the time, so having that one day where you can eat whatever you want guilt free helps people stay on their plan long term.  If I told you you could never eat pizza again you would probably get depressed and go off your nutrition plan.  If I told you you have to eat healthy all week and you can only eat pizza Saturday night you could probably live with that.  All that being said, if you've lost the weight and you still have gyno you might need surgery.  What we call gyno can be fat tissue, gland tissue, or a combination of both.  If you have excessive gland development, exercising won't do a thing to make your glands smaller.  Only surgery can get rid of the glands.  That was my case.  I was able to get rid of most of my breast fat thru eating well and exercise, but my glands wouldn't go away.  Of course, whether you have large glands or not, you will only benefit be eating right and working out with your bowflex. 


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