Author Topic: I'm curious  (Read 2737 times)

Offline bamagyno

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before finding this site, how many of you guys already knew about gynecomastia and or had considered surgery?

I don't exactly remember how I found out about this site. I think it was when I was searching the web for compression undershirts or info on losing weight from your chest. I had seen a few other guys with obvious gyne but didn't know the name of the condition or that so many guys have it. I had considered surgery but didn't know how to hide it or talk about it with  friends and family. I had even gone to a ps just after I got married but there was no way I could have afforded it then. When my wife found out about the visit (i think thye called the house about the amount I paid for the consultation) I told her that I was considering "male enhancement" surgery, lol! She was shocked and assured me it wasn't necessary (which, btw, is a bonafide fact  ;D)... But that was a heck of alot easier than telling her my boobs were ruining my life ;). So what's your story?
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Offline Paa_Paw

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Gynecomastia is a family trait.

I was looking for an information source for one of my grandsons when I found this site.

When I was younger, the surgical methods were quite crude compared to what is being done today so I did not persue surgery.

The surgical methods which are now in use have only been around for about 20 years and I will soon be 70.

I was surprised that surgery has become the first choice of so many people. I really was looking for coping strategies to help my grandson rather than surgery.

It seems odd to me that perfectly normal people are getting surgery so they will look like some artificially contrived version of perfection. I think it is almost perverse.
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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the idea of looking up male breast cancer had occurred to me a little, since i figured i had a case in remission, and that led me first to a reference i think to gyne, which linked or led me to the yahoo board, which had a link to this site.  had some bad experiences there before long with nutcases like gine2d who couldn't stand anyone not opposed to surgery, in spite of the fact my first post was what a discovery and isn't it great we can support each other no matter what we choose.  so i dropped it in favor of here, where i was more comfortable with the attitude. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline unknownrandom

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I didnt know this thing existed.  I kept looking up on google how do get rid of man breasts, etc, and I came across a few sites and then this one.  I thought I was like the only person like this in the world.  I know overweight people usually have them.  Im not like ripped or fit, but im not fat with a big gut either.  I am really glad I found this site though :/

Offline Mr_Nip

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...But that was a heck of alot easier than telling her my boobs were ruining my life ;). ...

How profound.  It would probably be easier for some of us to tell people we have NO penis than to let them know we have an issue with man boobs.   That goes to show you just how much of a mental torture this thing can be for a man.

I'm 42 and had no idea my condition had a name until I found this site last July.  My surgery was in September.


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