Author Topic: Puffy nipples due to fat?  (Read 2928 times)

Offline G-Man99

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Here's my question. I've had surgery last november (had a pretty good case of gyn 5or 6/10) and my left side is still puffy and still looks like I have gyn when I contract my pec (if I stand normally you can barely notice, but my pec has a more conical shape). I'm not in top shape but I'm still a good athlete, and I have some fat on the chest.

I've met with my surgeon a week a go about this issue and he told me he will do lipo only to correct this (he thought I could live with this but propose me to do lipo if it was bothering me, it does of course). My problem is that I feel like there's still something hard on the left side (not directly under the nipple). Is it possible that it is only fat? Can puffy nipples be cause only by fat?

I don't want to name my surgeon but he has a good, not great, reputation on this board.


Offline DrDictionary1

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It's been a while, but I thought I'd reply anyways.
That hard lump is probably scar tissue.

I had my surgery last November and both of my nipples are puffy again. I think it was because my surgeon only made me wear the compression garment for 3 weeks. I figure taking it off so early probably promoted scar growth...

Did you get the surgery yet? Was he willing to do it as a free revision or did you have to pay? I'm considering going under the knife again, too.


Offline G-Man99

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Hey, thanks for your reply.

I don't think you can still have scar tissues a year after surgery. I don't know what it is but it might be gland and fat.

I'm considering getting the opinion of another surgeon on that matter.

Offline want2go2beach

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i think its always a good idea to get more than one opinion

Offline mmaman

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I would bet money that you need him to cut out more gland.  See if he will do it free under local anasthetic.  It's easier than going to the dentist.  If it is a hard lump then a cannula cannot suck it out.  If your nipple is less pointy than it was before surgery but still there then your doc probably didn't make an aggressive enough cut.  Maybe tell a different PS that you are thinking of getting an unsuccessful surgery fixed.  He will probably tell you that you will need excision (if he knows about gyno) then you can tell your previous surgeon about your consultation and he may then be willing to revise it for free.  I've had to pull some moves with my surgeon because he wasn't that great so i learned quite a bit. You paid for the surgery and you deserve a quality result.  Don't be intimidated by that little nerd.  Tell him exactly what you told us. 

DR. D.  I doubt the compression vest played a large role in your unsuccessful surgery.  This post is for you too. 



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