Author Topic: recovery after op, how long after can i...  (Read 2564 times)

Offline lexuslexus

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im due to have exiscion and lipo done at the end of this month, have everything ready and kinda looking forward to getting it over with lol

just wondering how long after surgery would i properly be able to move your arms about, such as to be able to hug my girlfriend properly and have her be able to lean on my chest in bed without it doing any damage?

also how long in your expeirence before i can safely be able to hold my own body wieght safely (e.g pressups and such) without it causing any damage?
i know it sounds trivial but this would be good to know, cheers

Offline slyblackdragon

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Just had mine done yesterday and was told to take it easy for 4-6 weeks.

Offline KryptoKnight

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First day take it super easy.  I don't recommend any leaning of her on your chest or firm hugs till at least 2 weeks, to play it safe!  Same with sex of course, gotta stay off that since it's a physical act.

As for push ups, I'd wait at least a month.  There's not reason to try to rush back into your normal days if it can cause harm to your chest.  Yeah the first few days suck ass, I'm only 8 days post op, but it gets better day by day.

Offline snycs10

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I'm a very healthy 26 year old in what I'd say is very good physical condition. I'm going in on 2/5 for my procedure. I'm going on a cruise on 3/15. I have a moderate case of gyno on my right side and small case on my left. How well recovered should i be come cruise time. I was really hoping to be able to be shirtless (yes I know with heavy sun tan lotion) for most of the cruise. Any thoughts?

Offline emjay

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I had my surgery on 12/27.  I think I would be willing to go shirtless now, though I do still have some swelling.  I am not bruised anymore (not for the past week or two), so there are no real very obvious signs of the surgery.  I am actually going to Jamaica in a few weeks, so hoping that the swelling goes down even more.  Going to be very weird to walk around without my shirt on...I think I will still be a little self conscious until i get used to it!  I sometimes forget that I had it done and find myself trying to "hide" my chest.

Offline snycs10

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I can't wait man. Imagine being able to truly enjoy yourself at the beach


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