Author Topic: revision tomorrow  (Read 2442 times)

Offline flex1appeal

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Ok, my 1st revision is tomorrow. I took a few before pics (keep in mind they are before pictures from after my 1st surgery). The quality is probably not so good but you get the point. Most would say I don't look bad now from the first surgery. I'd say it was about an %80 improvement from the first go at it. I am aiming for that extra %20 or close to it. My left side is not nearly as good as my right. And even my right has a little puffiness to the nipple still. This time, the doctor is doing excision and ultra lipo. Before he just did ultra lipo. So my incision will be around my areola this time he says. I'll post some after pictures as the weeks go by. Wish me luck

Offline ghostrider

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hey flex...

i hope it all goes well.....i think we spoke a while back im going back for a revision to and want total gland removal this time as he said he wouldnt take it all out last time as some should remain to prevent nipples concaving....keen to see your picture when you get back ...are u still having ALL the gland removed?...let me know how you get on mate....all the best

Offline flex1appeal

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Yeah bro, I remember our conversation. And yes, I told him I want ALL of it out. Hopefully he will. He said he would anyhow. Told me that it could cause some deformity in the nipple area from becoming inverted and may cause minor lose skin but he thinks that my skin will retract no problem. Will update you all as I recover

Offline flex1appeal

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Ok, I figured instead of starting a new thread, I'd continue on this one since I already posted before pics from my first surgery. Saw the doctor today and got the drains out and I unbelieveably feel like I haven't even had surgery this time. Absolutely no discomfort (once the drains were removed) unless I poke on my ribs. They bruised the most for some reason. Doctor told me today he removed everything but skin and muscle. Said when he was done all he could see was my muscle. Said there would be no chance my nipples would puff out after this surgery. We'll see. But so far, I look 99% flatter even swollen than I did prior to this revision. I can tell this time around he did EXACTLY what I wanted. I have no doubts I'll be happy. And the guy didn't charge extra for excision. He even did more lipo. This PS is the nicest most caring doctor I have ever met. Even took time on the weekend to come see me and he gave me his personal cell number in case I needed him. He didn't do that last time. He would always tell me to call the regular line and they'd patch me to him.

Ok, so these pictures were taken by yours truely with a camera phone so the quality sucks. So sorry. Along with the bruising and swelling, it looks like a jumbled mess. You can't tell much of anything yet honestly. Not unless you were physically right in front of me and saw me prior to the surgery. Then you could tell something. I do think I will have a bit of skin retraction problem, especially the right side, at first. But I am young and think within a years time it will be fine. With that all said, let me post pics I took today. This 3 days post op and pic 3 was my worst side prior to either surgery. It's the side he took the most out of this time:
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 03:19:34 PM by flex1appeal »

Offline 808gyno

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Hey Flex, aside from the bruising, the revision looks like it went great.  After you got the lipo-only surgery, how long was it before you could tell that you would need the revision?  Thanks, brother.

Offline flex1appeal

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Hey Flex, aside from the bruising, the revision looks like it went great.  After you got the lipo-only surgery, how long was it before you could tell that you would need the revision?  Thanks, brother.

Honestly, I could sense I would need the gland extracted from the beginning. But I went with my surgeon's advice the first time with the lipo only. By week 7 post op, I could tell something was there still and by 3 months post op, the healing was pretty much done IMO. Nothing really changed in the appearance any longer after the 3rd month hit. I had the hard lump still under both nipples and moreso on my ride side which had always been the case. I just had less fat now. Not that I had much to begin with. I think it was mostly glandular and after the revision the doctor finally agreed with me. I do think I should be done now this time around. Time will tell but I am very optimistic based on what I see now....or DON'T see now I should say.


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