Author Topic: Road to a better me!  (Read 2019 times)

Offline Maddog78

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Long time reader, first time poster here.  I'll try to make my story short and sweet.  I'm 28, 6'4 205 lbs and have gyno.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say I am a 4.  My breasts are slightly bigger than "normal", but my areolas are the kicker.  They are puffy and have to go!  I love the outdoors and love the beach.  For the past 10 years, I have been pretty embarrassed with my chest and it has hurt my confidence, even with a shirt on.  So I found this site, did my homework and took the first step by seeing my doctor about a month ago.  We talked about it and he gave me some insight on what causes gyne.  I told him I was thinking of surgery.  He responded by saying he wanted to check my horomones.  About 3 days after my visit I got a call saying my horomone levels checked out.  What a relief!  I have my appointment with the PS tomorrow @ 3:45.  PS's name is Dr James Sheridan of Peoria, IL.  He is a board certified PS and has had experience with gyne (from what I know). I have about $6,000 set aside for this and want to move forward ASAP.  Any comments or feedback is appreciated.  I will post the results of my appointment tomorrow!


Offline Maddog78

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Just got back from my appointment with Dr. Sheridan.  He said that he didn't think my case was bad at all.  He said he would remove the gland and do lypo through the arm pits.  Went through all the risks etc.  Said he did 7-10 Gyne surgeries a year.  Saw his before and after photos, looks pretty much like the ones I have seen on here.  Pretty much no surprises.  He is certified through the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and has been doing this for 17 years.  Total cost would be $4700 and some change.  That includes everything including compression vest.  He uses ultrasonic lypo.  Any feedback?

Here is his website

« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 06:35:58 PM by Maddog78 »

Offline Maddog78

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Well I have officially decided not to use Dr. Sheridan.  His price is fair, but I didn't feel he really wanted to spend time with me to understand how the whole procedure would work.  Plus he said he only did 7-10 per year, which seems low.  I was the last appointment of the day and just felt he was rushing me out.  So I asked my regular doctor who he recommended.  He suggested Dr. Eric Elwood.  Looks like he has some pretty good credentials.  Only problem is my appointment isn't until June 25!  Take a look and let me know what you think.   (he's in the middle of the pictures)


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