Author Topic: A rough topic - Suicide  (Read 11807 times)

Offline hypo

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No need to apologise.

I try to speak up for the enlightenment of this cause.

With over 25% of gynecomastia sufferers having an underlying condition, I try to speak up for that silent, sometimes hidden minority on this site and try and spot those that have problems and help them.  

I feel from the many, many private messages I have received, that I have helped many people by being here- I feel I have made a difference.

But of course you are entitled to your opinion, maybe you think otherwise, if I’ve upset you in any way I’m sorry, but I would not have changed what I wrote because I feel the points made are more than just valid.

Being sensitive to your opinions I will not post in your threads again.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2005, 06:03:07 PM by hypo »

Offline GynoVict1m

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If you read what I actually said, you would have seen that I didn't at all imply I didn't want you too disregard my posts from now on.

I was just wondering why I always saw you in arguments on the forum

Offline hypo

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Ok, I must have misinterpreted what you meant

That's a fair question, so I'll try and answer it.

When I first came here the word endocrinologist was never mentioned, despite the fact that gynecomastia is a hormone problem and endocrinologists are hormone specialists.  I fought for a cause and was up against a lot of ignorance as to the need for endocrinologists and the need for Hormone testing, which was rarely something that anybody was aware of back then.  Seems hard to believe now.  So that got me into quite a few scrapes.  

I have also tried to champion the potential benefits that alternative therapies can offer for some people when used under the medical guidance of endocrinologists.  Again that is something that has seen quite a few arguments, because some people think that surgery is the one and only answer in all this.

Most recently regarding Andractim I argued with someone about its efficacy in treating gynecomastia.  The individual concerned was stating some very wild notions and scarring people.  It turned out that he was completely mixed up and thought that the dose of dihydrotestosterone in each Andractim dose was 40 times higher than it actually is.  

I have also been very anti steroid abuse as well and that has upset some people.

But I feel that I have brought a lot of information to the site to allow people to make more informed choices and have tried to help people as much as I can.

I have brought a lot of the information relating to the aetiology of gynecomastia, I have brought a lot of information relating the statistical success rates of medical treatments, their side effects and use, a lot of information and resources to inform and help people regarding the associated condition of hypogonadism.  I have helped people where I can with their pathology investigations given my knowledge in this area.  i have found endocrinologists for people right across the US.  I have tried to advise people who have taken steroids how to get their health back on track or at least protect themselves against some of the problems that can occur.  I have helped diagnose people who have hypogonadism and put them in touch with the relevant bodies who can help them and stopped one individual from taking methltestosterone, which has a track record of causing liver tumors.

I have busted my guts to do everything in my power to help people on the site.  Of course I make mistakes, in fact the more you become involved the greater the statistical chance of that happening increases.  If I have done you a disservice in any way then I apologise and if I am not doing as good a job as you think I should- then again I genuinely sorry.

Offline revolver

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C'mon man.  If we don't really know what is, at least we can look at things in whatever way supports us individually.  You do your thing, i'll do mine.
If you dont know what something is, then find out. Dont immerse yourself in a pile of lies just cuase it makes you feel good. Sooner or later itll all catch up to you.

Offline jackmac

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i am depressed as well but i am positive and i think to have maintain my self esteem.

1] i am 100% sure god helps so what ever your religion or faith is be strong about.
2] don't forget to ignore people
3] crying and stuff don't help get over it get off and do something about ur problem
    i know its problem but crying will not help at all do something about it will bring the solution

i still have my boobs and i am planing on removal its been 7yr of mad ride. i been up and down. but i haven't given up of hope to become a normal again and bang all the girls i can find in my way hahaha

so stop feeling helpless and depressed just try to solve your problem do something about it..

for me being strong is the only way out..

so cheer up right now and put some music on and dance. it will be solved.. if you put some effort after it.  ;D

i know mine willl. b/c i have HOPE................................................. 8)

Offline itsgoingdown

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Killing your self for gyne, or other life problems is a stupid way to give an end to everything, including you.

I am no expert, no doctor or no professional, but imangine a glass of water halfway full. You are only looking at the empty side, but you need to try and see the full side of the glass. Every single person has problems, has stress and has physical disorders somehow. But solving them makes you greater than others.


For you doddy,

I am no religious person. But I try to think where am I from.

If you imagine your self, you say your parents have created you somehow.
Now think how did the first atom, the first molecule, and the first creature was created. Everything needs a mother, even the planets.

But there MUST be one thing that is a creator, and has no mother. That is what I call god. This is full logic in my oppinion.


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