Author Topic: Saudi Arabia Plastic Surgeons  (Read 7537 times)

Offline gynecomastiavictim

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Hello everybody

I live in Saudi Arabia. I am wondering if anybody around here knows a well respected Plastic surgeon that specializes in Gynecomastia in here in Saudi.

got tired of being discarded

Offline STILLgotIT

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I think I remember hearing about decent surgeons in Turkey. Turkey is a bit more "westernized" that Saudi still is. You might want to travel abroad.

BTW, when you are gonna rally your friends together and overthrow that current regime you have so we (the US) don't have to come in and do it for you?  ;D

Offline saile

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Offline doddy

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I think I remember hearing about decent surgeons in Turkey. Turkey is a bit more "westernized" that Saudi still is. You might want to travel abroad.

BTW, when you are gonna rally your friends together and overthrow that current regime you have so we (the US) don't have to come in and do it for you?  ;D

Dude, the US are the last country who want to actually change the Saudi Arabian regime.

Offline vishal_chauhan

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You could visit and try and find out surgeons in your country. I would also suggest trying Dubai as an option. That has become a sorta Hub for Plastic surgery.

Offline toronto

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since when is Saudi Arabia third world, what's wrong with you

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Well Graham, your list of 3rd world countries includes India, and we've got one or two people who have had surgery in India posting here today, post op.

So yeah. Saudi Arabia hardly consists of people sitting in mud huts, does it?

Offline hypo

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I think the point is Graham you don't actually no anything about Saudi Arabia.

I'm not saying I do, in fact the reverse I too do not know anything about Saudi Arabian medical services, which is why I am not trying to offer advice to this guy.

When something is outside of your knowledge base, it is not wise to offer advice and certainly trying to imply that there isn't a competant surgeon in Saudi Arabia with no knowledge one way or the other about plastic surgery within that country is quite frankly ignorant and scaremongering.

If you can't help leave well enough alone.

Offline vishal_chauhan

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guess everyone's rite in their own frame of reference. i am from india, and i have no hiccups in saying that it is certainly a third world country. major problem with a thrid world country is the attitude of the people and mannerism. i graduated from one of the best universities in the usa and i see a lot of cultural differences. things in the usa r more organized and channelized, whereas here there's more of chaos.

facilities are provided, one should be willing to pay.

as far as saudi is concerned, they are very strict abt rules and regulations, whereas dubai is much more advanced and they have one of the best surgeons practicing in there. dont know if they are at par with Dr.B

hope this makes sense to everyone. :)

Offline tonysoprano

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I'm not entirely in the dark about third world countries. I live in one myself. I also am somewhat familiar with Saudi Arabia and how things are done there. Again, I did not say that he couldn't find a surgeon there. I simply implied that it wasn't full of 'Dr. Bermants'. After all, we DO tell people to go the best surgeons and if their surgery isn't satisfactory, we DO blame them for not doing enough research. So, what I said will hopefully make him find a better surgeon rather than the first one who says he can do it. Looking at all the 'success stories' in here of surgery, coincidentally NOT done particularly in Saudi Arabia, might be misleading to him.

where do you live graham ?
... and the saga continues

Offline toronto

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The term Third World includes as well capitalist (e.g., Venezuela) and communist (e.g., North Korea) countries as very rich (e.g., Saudi Arabia) and very poor (e.g., Mali) countries.

Very rich countries in the third world, that's counter intuitive...

Offline ModFive

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Although, I wished I did not have to agree with ashe, I think he is technically correct.  Anyways, Saudi may have a lot of money centralized to a powerful few, but the country is rather fucked overall.

Offline hypo

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I'm not ivolved in some basic conversation as to whether or not Saudi Arabia is a third world country, a good country, a bad country etc etc etc.

We can all come out with sweeping generalisations, but unless we have actually lived and tried to obtain surgery in this country we do not know what the situation is in that land- hence the point.

Whilst the similarities drawn may seem relevant, Saudi Arabia is very different to the countries mentioned for a whole host of reasons.....The truth is none of us really know the situation there.

The stab in the dark post from Graham as to what it is like in Saudi Arabia is based upon the fact that he wants to present surgery as a poor option for dealing with gynecomastia.

He does this in every post.

It might be difficult to obtain a good surgeon in Saudi Arabia and he might have chanced on the right comment.  Then again it might not be difficult to obtain a good surgeon there and he could be wrong.  

Given we do not know, we should not be trying to influence someones decision but allow them to obtain the facts in the country they live in.

Graham what is with this sycophantic attitude towards Dr Bermant?

Given he is a surgeon I thought he would have a poor opinion of him...still.  Dr Bermant is very good by all accounts but then so are many other surgeons.

It is not a case of surgery only being a good option if Dr Bermant is the one to perform it.

It looks like his PR has really worked with you.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 02:49:24 PM by hypo »

Offline hypo

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STOP trying to turn this thread into an ongoing dialogue between you and me it is not about us.

And STOP hading out negative advice to a man who lives in a country that you have no knowledge of.


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They have very experience surgeons in Saudi Arabia.  

I see on the TV s every month about how good they are at cutting off body parts.


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