Author Topic: scar tissue never going away?  (Read 2855 times)

Offline something

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Hi i am 17 years old and 12 months post-op. I had glandular excision on both sides. The last few months i have noticed lumps that seem to be growing or sticking out more that have the same characteristics of the gland and are the same size. I asked one of the nurses and they said that it is just scar tissue that may go away sometime and there is nothing they can do. Has anyone heard of scar tissue never going away or how do get rid of it? or is it possible that the gland came back? I tried massaging with vitamin E oil and still nothing. it seems to have gotten worse.

anyone have any ideas?

Offline jc71

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Don't know if any gland that the hormones have to act on will come back that quick.  Well, you said it's been a few months and you are only 17.  The nurse said it's scar tissue.  What did the Dr. say? Maybe they can inject you with a steroid to help dissolve the scar tissue. It may be cause for concern if after a few months it's getting worse.  Let's see what the other guys have to say. :)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2005, 01:07:33 PM by jc71 »

Offline something

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im pretty sure i dont have a hormone problem. i have normal hair and genital size and lower voice. i had scar tissue ever since the surgery but no outward scar anymore. the tissue started to get smaller from about 4 months post op until 9 post op but then is starting to grow and making my chest stick out again. i am trying to set up a consultation with the doctor again.

Offline jc71

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I think first of all, you need to figure out what exactly is "growing" again.  If it's just scar tissue (after all these months?) that's one thing.  If the gyne is coming back that's another.  You sound like you might be a great candidate for an endocrinologist. Taking into consideration your age and your story. Good luck. :)

Offline rcbrown23

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Agree with JC...go to an endocrinologist and get the hormone tests done.

Just because there are no psysical signs of an imbalance does not mean that you don't have one.

Offline STILLgotIT

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I had the same problem. Hard lumps after surgery, but different than before the op. I am now about 13 months post-op and the scar tissue has gone away completely.

Offline tnel00son

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damn gyne, it seems that no one can get rid of it wihtout having any problems after surgery, its such an agrivating thing to have, i just hope my surgery comes out well, im getting it done in a few weeks or so

Offline something

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i guess i should add that i use marijuana frequently. if this caused the glands to come back or whatever, would discontinuing it make them go away again?

Offline nope1

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Read my scar tissue diary under the Diaries Forum.

I've had 2 rounds of cortisone shots and it's gotten rid of my scar tissue about 90%...if you have more questions, PM me.  The shots get rid of scar tissue in 9 outta 10 people...good luck

Offline something

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thanks everyone. im going to call again and demand...something. once i figure out what my demands are(probobly a re-examination of the gland coming back or some cortisone shots). oh yeah, would revealing my marijuana usage possibly make me have to pay for anything else. my insurance covered everything so far thank whoevers up there.



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