Author Topic: SEcond op' here I come?  (Read 1735 times)

Offline isr-guy

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Hello everyone.

First, a little background:

I'm Y', from Israel, 21 years old, and had gyne' til 3 years ago when I had an excision. The surgeons took glandular tissue from each side, and stitiched it.

Now, 3 years later, there're 2 things I'm not feeling well with:

A. The scars - they're small, but red, and my skin is white (so they look noticeable if you ask me).
B. MY left side is puffy behind the nipple (and *maybe* more puffy in general).

I've seen the doctor today, and he said that there're some gyne' residues, but he's not sure whether it's fat or breast tissue or a combination of both. Therefore - he had sent me to have a mamography / ultrasound (still not sure which).

I feel something hard beneath my left nipple, like rubber or something alike, but I'm not sure what it is. Because of the fact that all of these tests / photographs / consultations are done in a 'private' way, I'm feeling confused as for what to do if the answer from the mamopgraph / US will be one of these:

1. It's fat tissue.
2. Breast tissue.
3. Combination.

I know that if it's case #1 - I'll have lipo, but I don't know shit about this procedure... is it leaving scars? can you do it without scars? (I'm sensitive to scars).

If it's case #2 - Well, I've never heard about 2'nd gyne' operations... never saw someone here talking about it neither... what do you think? will the scars be god-damn-ugly?

And... if it's case #3 - I guess I have the same problem as with case #2.

P.S - I've had the mamograph 2 months after I've done the first gyne' op, and the results of the mamograph were not decisive - never figured if it was glandular or fat tissue (or both). If it's relevant - since then I've developed my pecs (weights, etc').

P.S #2 - I think I should've mention that when it's cold the area looks fine. Does it say anything about the content of the breast?

« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 09:06:57 AM by isr-guy »

Offline GodWasAngry

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Hi Guy

I'm from Israel too... It sounds like the first plastic surgeon did a bad job and left glader tissue under your left nipple, if it bothers you that much and you have the means - I say go with the second surgery. regarding the scar, maybe if you get a tan it will look better... Just a thought.

( gyno ze ben zona ;( )

Offline isr-guy

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Hello there  ;)

About tanning -  there's a small "stitch area" which is very (very!) white - and as much as I know - it lacks melanin and therefor will never have a different color  :-/

Offline tonysoprano

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just wondering...will you go back to the original ps for your 2nd surgery , or will you consult with a new doctor ?

... and the saga continues


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