Author Topic: SERIOUS HELP NEEDED!  (Read 3565 times)


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I have had Gynecomstia for 5 years. Being a teen (16 years old) things can be stressful. Insensitive people and personal shame is ruining my “Golden” high school years.

I found this site about a month ago and figured out what my condition was. I seriously thought I had a very very very rare condition that only like 5 ppl in the world had. So when I saw this site I was happy to know that I’m not the only one. So then I approached my parents and told them what I have (gynecomastia) and what I need (surgery)…. Here comes the problem:

My mom is a health nut and a nurse. Instead of agreeing with she tried to put me on a diet (when I’m already a vegetarian, and 5’8 and 145 pounds) and try to eliminate all the foods in my diet that have the lest big of estrogen. She thinks that my chest has grown because of the food I eat…and that’s her reason for me not to have surgery.

So I go to my dad. Hes a more liberal person… he’ll help. But no. Him too! But his reason is different. He just finds the thought of cosmetic surgery bad. So he too wants me to go on with years of daily stress, turning down pool party invitations, and waiting till of my friends are out of the locker room to take off my shirt.

He told me that he too was teased when he was young (except it was because he was a nerd). And he went on to university and got a PhD! I’m telling you this because I want you to know that money is not an issue!

Please help me find a way to get them to change their mind! I’m tried and ashamed of my body!

Offline to-be-or-not-to-be

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crying helped me. I didn't fake it though.

Offline mshoaf

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i showed my parents some videos on youtube to help better explain how its caused and that it wont go away by its self, plus they also show how hard it is to deal with it on a daily basis...good luck tho!

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are two ways to make your point.

One would be to call a parent or parents into the room and show them your post.

The other is one seldom thought of. Do you have a grandparent nearby that you feel close enough to that you can share your story with? Sometimes a grandparent can be very helpful by running interference for you.

Your weight is within normal range, for your height and age it puts you at the 44th percentile or very near average. Weight loss or other dietary measures will not likely improve your situation very much if at all.

I think that all of us, at one time or another, thought that we alone had Gynecomastia. The fact that most of us tend to stay hidden means that we do not see just how common it really is.

Welcome, and good luck; keep us posted.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Actually it is NOT within the statistical norm. More people dont have it than do, making it irregular.

The fact that most of us tend to stay hidden means that we do not see just how common it really is.

Exactly Dan! Jay999 seems to think that more don't have it than do... But then how does he know this? Like you mentioned, most stay 'hidden'. Therefore, it might actually be that more have it than not! Annnnd... if that is the case, then it would actually be 'normal' to have Gynecomastia!  ;)    However, as so many do hide their gyne, it would be impossible to get accurate stats on who has gyne and who doesn't...

HHH... are you reading this?  ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics


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Well i tried plan A which is telling my parents how hard it is to live with 5 years of gynecomstia and the daily stress and teasing. I did cry. And the crying was genuine. They softened up a bit to the point where they decided to look it up on the computer. But now they think that it will go away after puberty. Because they found this one site that said that 90% of ppl with gyne in their teens will loose it after puberty. So now they want me to wait! i'm 16! i can't even wait another year!  :'(    let alone 3 or 4!

Offline Jackd

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Hey, glad to hear you've told your parents, as least you're not alone with this now. I can't bring myself to tell anyone and it definetly makes life harder, but that's the way it goes...

Anyways, you should print off some relevant threads on here about the true facts about gyne, how in 99% of cases it REQUIRES to be surgically removed etc.. leave the print outs somewhere your parents will see them so they can read in their own time. Don't rush them, but don't stop about it.

I think you should first convince them to get you a doctors appointment, then to see an endocrinologist. You definetly need  to get blood and hormone tests done and it may help your parents understand gyne more.

Sometimes writing things is easier than saying it, so maybe write down your feelings on how living with gyne affects your life and how important surgery is to you.

Hope you get that docs appointment mate, then you can take it from there....

Offline milesed1

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Show them Dr. Jacobs' website at  Show them the FAQs and the video there he did for the Discovery Health Channel about another teen that does a great job of explaining how he felt and how he got it taken care of.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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But now they think that it will go away after puberty. Because they found this one site that said that 90% of ppl with gyne in their teens will loose it after puberty. So now they want me to wait! i'm 16! i can't even wait another year!  :'(    let alone 3 or 4!

However, you've had it for 5 years now... The chances of it going away by itself now, are very slim...



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