Well I don't know where to start as A) Kicka is playing roulette with his body and health (sorry but you don't understand the ramifications of such) and B) Phantom, whilst certain you have the right spirit and got some things right to a degree, you do not really understand the dynamics at play here.
First of all as Phantom correctly pointed out steroids are a major cause of gynecomastia.
25% of all gynecomastia sufferers have the problem because of the effects of drugs and medications, of which it is thought steroid abuse accounts for a high number of cases.
This is something that can be readily seen by the number of people who regularly pass through this site stating that their gynecomastia developed due to the use of steroids.
I have seen this fact for two years so it is nothing new.
So the bottom line is steroids often cause gynecomastia.
Kicka advocating the use of steroids or implying they can help you with gynecomastia is akin to advocating the use of cigarettes in those with lung cancer
In other words it is so wrong that it is absurd.
A bit about the details;
The use of an exogenous aromatasing steroid is recognized by the hypothalamus which in turn down-regulates GnRH, that this in turn tells the pituitary to down-regulate the gonadotropins LH and FSH and that this in term suppresses/switches off your own endogenous testosterone production.
You might notice that your testicles are smaller on steroids- this is an example of reduced leydig cell and steroli cell function- atrophy thanks to the lack of gonadotropins.
Now this is not a problem whilst you are taking steroids as your testosterone is coming out of a syringe so you don't miss your bodies production.
However when you stop taking steroids, your enogenous production of testosterone is none existant because your pituitary LH level is undetectable/ 0.1.
So you now have a period of time, usually around three weeks before your body recognises the missing testosterone and adequately upregulates GnRH and LH and in turn testicular production of testosterone and sperm for that matter.
In the meantime you have LOW TESTOSTERONE.
Also because you have previously had a high level of testosterone your body naturally would have converted much of this excess via aromatse to estrogen and in particular the potent estrogen estradiol.
This is the perfect recipe for developing gynecomastia.
The reason is that the crucial androgen to estrogen balance/ratio has swung radically in favor of estrogens and estrogens go to work unopposed in the body and many of ERs Estrogen Receptors are located in the breasts.
Sometimes people who take a course (cycle as you guys term it) of steroids are unlucky and you go on to develop not only gynecomastioa but also more permanent affects.
High levels of steroids sometimes (far more often with greater numbers of courses) causes injury to the pituitary.
The pituitary along with the hypothalamus is like the boss of a factory that produce steel.
A boss of a steel factory makes sure his employees are working and producing steel and a working Hypothalamus and pituitary make sure the testicles are working and producing testosterone and sperm.
Now when as happens to many people abusing steroids your pituiatry gets injured and stops working either altogether or properly it is exactly like the boss of that factory getting ill and not coming into work.
What do you think happens?
In the analogy the boss is not in work so the factory workers take the pizz and laze bout and don't produce much steel.
In the real world when the pituitary stops working or working properly then the testicles do not produce enough testosterone or sperm.
The lack of testosterone leaves the individual with pituitary insufficiency otherwise known as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and the lack of sperm leaves the individual infertile (one of the reasons fertility clinics see a LOT of ex bodybuilders).
Long term hypogonadim needs to be treated for life.
If as quite a few ex steroid taking bodybuilders you develop hypogonadism and it goes undiagnosed and untreated then you have a high chance of;
Developing Osteoporosis
Developing Diabetes
A higher statistical chance of dveloping Cardio Vascular Disease CVD.
A higher statistical chance of having a stroke
A higher statistical chance of developing Alzeimers
A higher statistical chance of developing erection difficulties
A higher statistical chance of having a greatly reduced libido
A higher statistical chance of developing depression
I could go on, but I'll leave that there.
Now I could go into the adverse affects that steroids have on the first pass on the liver or go into the adverse affects on the heart and the potential for cardiomyopathy via ventricular overload but I wont as these are more rarely seen and the above should be quite enough of a reason to not use steroids.
Other people might tell you different either down the gym or on bodybuilding sites. And a lot of these guys try to sound as though they know what they are talking about, believe me when I say very few of them do and even if they did the risks of steroids would still be inherently there.
On which note even if you know guys who understand about PCT
and the use of Aromatse inhibitors or anti-estrogens, without blood pathology it is all hit and miss anyway and what works for one guy wont necessarily work for you (genetic and body chemistry differences) and in any event no PCT in the world can prevent or help when it comes to the possibility of pituitary injury or in fact any of the long term affects I have detailed.
Kicka if working out helps you look better and feel more confident about yourself, that is good. But seriously you would be far wiser placed to do it without the steroids.
Best to you.